Kensington and Chelsea students celebrate A Level results

Published: Wednesday 11 August 2021

Kensington Aldridge Academy students celebrate their A Level results

Students across Kensington and Chelsea are receiving their A Level results today following another year of challenging study amidst the Coronavirus pandemic.

Like last year, grades have been awarded through teacher assessment, with teachers monitoring student comprehension and ability throughout the school year to ensure students receive grades that accurately reflect their dedication and understanding of their chosen subjects.

Cllr Josh Rendell, Lead Member for Children and Family Services said:

“Pupils should be so proud of the competitive results they are getting today across the borough. It has been another tough year for students, teachers and wider school staff and I want to thank everyone for the way they have adapted to lockdowns and remote learning.

“Our young people have shown remarkable resilience and I wish them the very best of luck as they take their next step into higher education, training or employment.”

We will be updating this page with results from colleges and sixth forms in Kensington and Chelsea as they are received. If you’re looking for results from a specific sixth form or college, you may find updates sooner on their respective websites.


Kensington Aldridge Academy

Two students from Kensington Aldridge Academy (KAA) will be heading to Oxbridge after securing superb A Level results.

Leila Jarvis achieved three A*s and one A and will attend Balliol College, Oxford to study History & Politics, while Ahmed El-Bouhy achieved five A* grades and will read Natural Sciences at Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge.

Both students are founder pupils of KAA having joined the school when it opened in 2014.

Ahmed said:

“It’s been really stressful and, after last year with everyone’s issues with the grading system, I was slightly worried it could have been the same situation this year.

“But I’m really happy and delighted with the results and look forward to going to university.”

KAA Principal David Benson said:

“We are brimming with pride today. The students have worked hard and shown such resilience through Covid and the teachers here are passionate about supporting them.

“The examples these students are setting is very powerful. KAA wishes to continue to work with students and families in the local community and accelerate them to get the best start in life”.

Chelsea Academy

Students from Chelsea Academy will be attending some top universities at home and abroad after performing superbly in their A Levels.

Tina, the Academy's head girl who only arrived in the UK in year nine, achieved three A* grades and will be reading Biochemistry at UCL, while Selma is heading to Warwick to read History and Politics after earning A*s in History, Government & Politics and English.

Nafees will be heading across the Atlantic to read Engineering at Vanderbilt after securing A*s in Maths and Further Maths and an A in Physics, and Anita will read Medicine at Nottingham after achieving A* in Psychology and Bs in Chemistry and Biology.

Principal Mariella Ardron said:

“We are delighted with the Academy’s A Level results this year. In many ways this cohort has suffered the most from the disruption of the pandemic; they have shown great resilience and commitment to their studies.

“We are really proud that we have had an increase in students being accepted onto healthcare courses, including medicine, nursing and physio, inspired by the work of healthcare professionals during the pandemic.”


Kensington Aldridge Academy

  • 51 per cent of all grades are either A* or A
  • 79 per cent are A*-B
  • 93 per cent are A*-C
  • The average grade of a KAA student is B+


We shared links and resources on Twitter to ensure young residents were equipped with helpful advice at this time.