Government publishes soil sampling report

Published: Thursday 22 July 2021

Small plant growing from soil.

Full results of the second stage of environmental checks carried out on the soil around the Grenfell Tower site have been published by the Government.

The soil sampling was carried out by independent environmental specialist AECOM to identify any significant contamination from the Grenfell tragedy and assess any health or environmental risks that may have arisen.

The findings show that the levels of chemicals discovered are typical of those generally found in urban areas. The sampling has not found any evidence of land contamination or an elevated risk to people’s health due to the Grenfell Tower fire. 

AECOM found that no further action was required at 43 of the 45 sites tested across the two stages. The results from two sites – Treadgold House and Avondale Park Gardens – showed variations in the lead levels in a small number of samples which are unrelated to the Grenfell Tower fire.

Further testing will be carried out in both locations and the Council is communicating directly with residents.

These results do not change the existing advice from Public Health England which applies to anyone handling soil in an urban area, which is to follow general good practice such as washing your hands after gardening, working or playing in soil and washing and peeling homegrown fruit and vegetables.

Members of the community with concerns about their health should discuss them with their GP or access enhanced health checks offered by the NHS. More details can be found at the North Kensington Health Response website.

You can view the full Stage 2 report. If you have any questions about the environmental checks, please email [email protected].

You can also attend two drop-in community information sessions organized by the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government:

Saturday 17 July, 2-5pm
Kensington Leisure Centre, Silchester Rd, London W10 6EX

Friday 23 July, 10am-4pm
The Clement James Centre, 95 Sirdar Road, London W11 4EQ