The Council’s response to Home Office consultation on Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans

Published: Tuesday 20 July 2021

The Council has responded to a government consultation on Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans in high-rise residential buildings, following recommendations made in Phase 1 of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry.

You can read our response in full below.

Council Leader, Cllr Elizabeth Campbell said:

“The Grenfell tragedy has had a shattering impact on our community and we are resolved to do everything to make sure that such a terrible event does not happen again; not here, not anywhere.

“It is critical that everyone responsible for housing management and maintenance learns the lessons from the tragedy: that’s local authorities, building regulators, landlords, agents, housing providers and the Government.

“We are keen to see radical improvements to statutory regulations to ensure greater safety of residents in high rise buildings. 

“We recognise that the Grenfell Tower tragedy had a disproportionate impact on those residents with mobility, cognitive or other impairments. I welcome proposals that enshrine in law measures to ensure that authorities and companies with housing responsibilities address this important issue. 

“We are especially keen for there to be clarity on the requirement for personal emergency evacuation plans (PEEPs). It is vital that every resident who requires a personal emergency evacuation plan (PEEP), tailored to their needs, has the opportunity to get one.”