Adapting proposals for a new nursery, children’s centre and social rent homes at Cheyne

Published: Friday 27 August 2021

Following the first round of consultation on a new nursery, children’s centre and social rent homes on the site of the existing Cheyne Nursery in Chelsea, the Council is preparing its second set of conversations having adapted the proposals based on the feedback provided.

Comments have been taken on board and incorporated where possible to shape the evolving design of the proposals. The following “You Said, We Will” information highlights some of the most frequently made comments and outlines how we’ve incorporated them into the latest plans.

We will be sharing information on the second round of consultation in the coming weeks, including new concepts from the architects and further details on how proposals have been adapted.

Visit these links to find out more about the New Homes Delivery Programme and the proposals for a new nursery, children’s centre and social rent homes at Cheyne.

You said:

  • The impact of this scheme on Westfield Park is concerning, particularly the playground.
  • Strong support for nursery but objection to the housing and/or height.
  • Concerns on the construction and environmental impact (noise, air quality, transport etc.)

We will:

  • Reassure you that all proposals are within the existing footprint of Cheyne Nursery and don’t have any impact on Westfield Park. We are committed to retaining the existing playground and propose to improve the pathway to the park.

  • Continue to work with the architects to ensure concerns about light and access to the park remain a consideration throughout the planning process.
  • Ensure good construction practice will be used, taking into consideration noise, air quality, transport, adequate parking and will work to continually update residents and relevant communities on phases of construction.

You said:

The proposed height of the new building is too tall and will:

  • Be taller than buildings in the surrounding area.

  • Reduce sun/daylight reaching surrounding buildings and over Westfield Park.

  • The traffic and density will increase as the proposal will bring too many new residents, adding strain to local infrastructure and resources.

We will:

  • Change the proposal to reflect the surroundings heights. We are now proposing four storeys which should reduce potential daylight and sunlight impacts on neighbouring properties.
  • We will continue to provide 100 per cent social housing on this site, but the number of homes will be reduced to nine in-line with proposed height reductions.
  • Make sure that the development will be ‘car free’ with no car parking spaces allocated to the new homes.