TPT GCSE drop-in service


The Targeted Prevention Team provides young people with advice and guidance around post 16 pathway options. 

GCSE Drop in service:

Thursday 22nd August 2024

Lancaster Youth Hub

128A Lancaster Road, London, W11 1QS

Drop in times: 9am-5pm

Advice and guidance service:

  • One to one careers guidance support.
  • Assistance with making applications for courses at FE colleges and Sixth forms where applicable. 
  • Learn more about how to apply for Apprenticeships and Traineeships.
  • SEN support provided for those with an EHCP.

TPT also offers support, mentoring and coaching to young people who are not in Education, Employment, or Training or at risk of becoming NEET (identified whilst still at school including those younger than 16 years) and living in RBKC.


  1. TPT GCSE drop-in service poster

Page last reviewed: 28/05/2024

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