Health and wellbeing

Children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) can have varying and often complex health needs. This may mean they are cared for by a range of health professionals from different services.

Most health services in the UK are provided by the National Health Service (NHS). These services are free and available to everybody who needs to use them.

In this page, you can find out about the different health services available locally. It includes information on who the service is for, how to access the service and who to contact for more information as well as general advice an guidance for a range of needs. 

An ilustration of a question mark Accessing Health Services FAQs

A cartoon image of a person a pair of hands holding a family Physical difficulties and self-care

An illustration of an adult person wondering next to a child Concerns about my child's development

A cartoon image of a two people talking Mental health and emotional wellbeing

A cartoon image of a kite flying Oral and dental health

An illustration of a plate and cutlery Eating, drinking and feeding

A cartoon image of a person wearing glasses Visual difficulties

A cartoon image of two people talking with speech bubbles Speech and language needs

A cartoon image of a person's hand holding a child playing with blocks Medical, nursing and support

A symbol of deafness Hearing difficulties

A cartoon image of a person's hand holding a family Central London Community Healthcare

A cartoon image of a two people talking Toileting, bowel and bladder

A cartoon image hand holding a sterling pound Sleeping difficulties

A cartoon image hand holding a heart Learning disabilities

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