Deaf Unity


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Deaf Unity is a registered charity. We work to nurture, empower and train deaf individuals across the UK. We have a strong focus on providing information and training to youths and graduates to ensure they have what they need to achieve their goals. We are also very engaged in research, to better understand the challenges facing deaf and disabled people and the solutions that are needed.

Our Support Services

We offer British Sign Language training including:

  • Introduction to British Sign Language - tailored to your organisation
  • British Sign Language Level 1 - Signature accredited
  • British Sign Language Level 2 - Signature accredited
  • Parent’s Sign Language classes - taught by a Deaf parent
  • Children's Sign Language classes - taught by a Deaf parent 

We also run a regular meet-up for deaf and hearing people of all sign language levels. The ‘British Sign Language Cafe’ is a great opportunity to make new friends and practice sign language informally.


Translation Service - Do you want your website or content to be translated into British Sign Language with subtitling, so that you can include deaf and hard of hearing people in your messaging? Get in touch to discuss what you need.


British Sign Language Interpreting Service - If you are looking for British Sign Language interpreters for meetings or an event please contact us!

We also run Deaf Awareness training which can be tailored to your school, work place or area of interest. If you would like to make a group booking, let us know. 


Partnerships - We are open to partnership from charities who are keen to engage with the deaf community throughout the borough.

Who to contact

Contact Name
Adam Ryan
Contact Position
We are deaf organisation please contact via email We are deaf organisation please contact via email
[email protected]
Deaf Unity
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