Meanwhile Gardens Playhut - Stay and Play


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Meanwhile Gardens Playhut is a purpose-built, eco-friendly play centre for young children. The playhut has a large secure garden complete with a paddling pool, sandpit, slide and a wide range of indoor and outdoor play equipment for children under the age of six. It is open weekdays between 2pm and 5pm.

A photo of the main area inside the playhut. Shown are an arrangement of tables and chairs, toys, and colourful decorationsA photo of the outside of the playhut, showing a grassy area and views of Trellick tower

Who to contact

Contact Name
Meanwhile Gardens
020 8960 7894 020 8960 7894
[email protected]
Meanwhile Gardens Website
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Where to go

Meanwhile Gardens Playhut
Elkstone Road

W10 5NT

View W10 5NT on a map

Set within the gardens opposite the skate park


£10.00 per family for a one year membership - giving you unlimited access to the sessions

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