Educational Psychology Consultation Service


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What is an Educational Psychologist (EP)?

Educational and Child Psychologists have expertise in education, learning, child development and the application of psychology to improve the learning and well-being/mental health of children and young people from birth up to the age of 25 years.

They apply the highest quality psychology to make a positive difference to children and young people’s lives. Using a wide range of skills, expertise and specialist knowledge they support schools, nursery schools and parents to ensure that children facing difficulties can learn and develop, helping to improve their educational outcomes.

Where do Educational Psychologists work?

Educational Psychologists are based in Kensington Town Hall. Every state-maintained nursery, primary and secondary school (including free schools and academies) has a named link EP.

The Westminster, Kensington & Chelsea Educational Psychology Consultation Service has strong and positive relationships with schools and with other council and partner agencies, children’s and adults' social care and health. The advice and support the service is able to offer is therefore very well integrated into the broader systems of support for vulnerable children and young people and those with SEND and their families.

How do Educational Psychologists work?

The EP Service is a traded service. They are commissioned by the boroughs’ SEN Service or schools directly. If a school or nursery school commissions a service from the EP team then the Senco can discuss children they are concerned about with their link EP directly and if appropriate they would then complete a request for EP involvement framework with the parent.

Time is usually paid for by the educational setting, who buy in visits from the service every year. EPs work with the teachers and other adults in schools, the parents and children and young people themselves, where there are concerns about learning, progress and/or wellbeing. Together, they use Consultation to find ways of making changes that mean things work better.

Sometimes EPs also work with a school to think about their environment and provision. EPs work closely with a range of other professionals to provide training, advice and support for children in the early years and are always involved in advice for Education, Health and Care (EHC) Needs Assessments (see below)

A school will always ask your permission before involving an EP. When an EP gets involved, they will typically observe children in their normal learning environment and sometimes meet with children. This might be to gain their views; it might also be to carry out an assessment that helps everyone reach a better understanding of what might help them to learn.

Not all children with SEND will need EP involvement. Most schools will be able to support children using their existing expertise and resources.

EPs also have a statutory role. All children who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or where a request is agreed to assess a child, will be known to an EP. A statutory assessment will involve the same things as above but is funded by the local authority not the school.

VIG – sometimes educational psychologists might be involved with children and families through specific interventions such as Video Interaction Guidance. Parents would always be included in this process.

How do I contact an educational psychologist to become involved with a child?

If the child is a WCC resident, please contact:

Sam Habal
Senior Educational Psychologist
Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea Educational Psychology Consultation Service

Mobile: 07984 017 127 | Email: [email protected] 

If the child is an RBKC resident, please contact:

Helen Kerslake
Assistant Principal Educational and Child Psychologist
Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea Educational Psychology Consultation Service

Mobile: 07739 314 488 | Email: [email protected]  

For more information on the Educational Psychology Consultation Service please see our Webpage:


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