CAAS Service Provision


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CAAS is a short-term drop-in/drop-out service. CAAS Adults will be able to support a client, typically over 6-8 sessions working on 1 or 2 tasks.

Appointments are typically monthly (unless there is a time-sensitive deadline for a task).

Our current waiting list is 3-4months for one-to-one support.


Below are examples of what support CAAS can provide:


Employment Related Support: 

  • Access to Work Application 
  • Preparation for interview 
  • Signposting to other employment support organisations 


Executive Function Support: 

Executive function is the ability to plan, start, focus on, and complete a task in a timely manner. 

  • Assisting in filling out official forms. 
  • Assistance to read and understand letters. 
  • Support with making phone calls to official organisations (e.g. GP) 
  • Signposting to more specific services for some executive function support (e.g. Housing support, Legal Paperwork) 


Benefits Support: 

  • PIP support is not offered on a 1:1 basis. CAAS offers a PIP workshop for learning about, understanding the process, and filling in PIP forms. 
  • Universal Credit Applications 
  • Benefits calculation to estimate what you might be entitled to. 
  • Signposting to other organisations for more complex benefits queries or support. 


Please find attached our brochure, groups posters, and our website link for the client: Services for ADHD & Autistic Adults - Centre for ADHD and Autism Support


Also, please find attached the Autism Insights for supporters, Supporters Drop in posters for the parent/family members of the autistic adult, and link to our website: Services for Parents & Carers (of adults) - Centre for ADHD and Autism Support


Youth Provision:

For Young people aged 11-25 yrs.

Thinking about adulthood Group

NWL Online Youth Group

Why Try Course

Thriving and Neurodiversity: Empowerment course for teens

Youth Page: Services for Children & Young People - Centre for ADHD and Autism Support


Family Provision:

For Parents & Carers of children and Young people

Online Drop in Support

Specialist Workshops

Understanding Autism – Course

Understanding ADHD – Course

ADHD and Autism Parenting Boost - Course

Family Page: Services for Parents & Carers (of young people) - Centre for ADHD and Autism Support

Here is the link to our referral form:

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