Disability Sports Coach - Club Kensington & Chelsea


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Hosted at the impressive and fully accessible Kensington Leisure Centre, you will not find a better sporting setting in London. Situated just off Ladbrook Grove, the club is easy to reach by public transport.

The multi-sports club takes place on Saturday’s with Football, Boccia, Basketball and Cricket being the most popular sports!

There is a lot of friendly competition at the club and many welcoming faces for any new people joining the session.

Specialist taster sessions also take place in the club from time to time including boxing, dance, golf and more.

Siblings are welcome to join in and parents/carers are encouraged to stay, watch and even take part! A café is also available on site.

All disabilities and impairments welcome.

Who to contact

Contact Name
Disability Coach Clubs
020 7928 4267 020 7928 4267
[email protected]

Where to go

Kensington Leisure Centre
Silchester Road

W10 6EX

View W10 6EX on a map

Time / Date Details

When is it on
Saturday 11.00 - 1.00pm (term-time only)
Time of day


£3  per session

Local Offer

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