Make it: Photography @ the V&A


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Join artist Chahine Fellahi from Kimiā Collective to experiment with photography.
Come along to have fun, playing with nature to create images. You will find out about cyanotypes, a blue and white print that uses special paper and the power of the sun to create photographs.

Get inspired by Chahine’s work and the museum’s collection, work together as a family to create your own pictures to take home.

The Museum’s beautiful gardens will be a perfect space for you to explore your nature photography skills.

You will come away with skills and ideas to plan and make your own images at home. An understanding about how to make a cyanotype. You’ll get professional guidance and take home a range of your own beautiful nature-inspired photographic prints.

The workshop is booked to take place in the garden to experiment with natural light, but in case of bad weather it will take place indoors using UV light equipment.

Who to contact

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Where to go

V&A South Kensington
Cromwell Road


View SW7 2RL on a map

Time / Date Details

When is it on
Saturday 29th June, 10.30am-4.30pm
Time of day


Tickets cost £!5 
Booking is essential.

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