Community Dental Service - Children's (Paediatric Service)


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This specialist-led service cares for children from birth to 15 years old who have a physical, sensory, intellectual, mental, medical, emotional, psychological or social impairment or disability, or who are uncooperative and cannot be treated in general practice.

We can provide sedation and have a good skill mix which includes experienced dental therapists and dentists skilled in dealing with children. We have strong links with local hospitals if more specialist assistance is needed.

We conduct regular screening and support programmes in local special schools alongside our oral health promotion team.

Opening hours Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (appointment only).

This is not a drop-in service. Home visits are available.

Who to contact

020 7534 6524/ 6529 or 111 out of hours 020 7534 6524/ 6529 or 111 out of hours
[email protected]
CLCH Community Dentistry
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