Kensington and Chelsea Youth Council


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The Youth Council is made up of all the candidates for Youth Mayor and Cabinet Members roles, plus other representatives of young people from across the borough. 

Who are the Youth Council?

Everyone nominated as a candidate for Youth Mayor and Cabinet Member elections becomes a member of the Youth Council. They are joined by representatives from other Youth Forums in the borough including Care Leavers, Young Carers and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

Following an election in January 2023, a new Youth Mayor and Youth Council cabinet was elected.

The results are as follows:

  • Youth Mayor of Kensington and Chelsea: AJ Tumlos

  • Deputy Youth Mayor of Kensington and Chelsea: Salwa Ahmed

  • Cabinet Member for Communities and Services for Young People: Beatrice Kwakyi-Ofori 

  • Cabinet Member for Education: Marie Keenan

  • Cabinet Member for Finance: Chantelle Munguli

  • Cabinet Member for Mental Health and Wellbeing: Yasmin Aldiyar

What does the Youth Council do?

They have regular meetings at Kensington Town Hall to discuss issues important to young residents of the borough.

They provide the young person’s point of view for service managers, policymakers and elected members on plans and strategies for service delivery.

They work with Youth Fund Assessors to identify and support projects and activities that can be funded using the Youth Participation Fund.

How are the Youth Mayor and Youth Cabinet members Chosen? 

By an annual democratic election run in partnership with schools, colleges and Youth Hubs. 

Everyone who stands for election becomes a member of the Youth Council. The Youth Mayor represents the candidate with the highest number of balloted votes with the runner up becoming the Deputy Youth Mayor.

Youth Cabinet Members will be determined by the candidate who receives the highest number of balloted votes in each area.

Find out more on the Kensington and Chelsea Youth Participation page

Who to contact

07875 878859 07875 878859
[email protected]
Kensington and Chelsea Youth Participation
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