Bi-Borough Portage Service


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Portage to children who are not in a educational setting who are between the ages of 0-3 years old. It is a Home Learning Intervention based on the American Early Intervention Programme called 'Portage'. It is a service for children who have a disability or whose development is causing concern. Portage recognises and values the parents as the main educators in their child's early years.  The early learning takes places at home; that is why the service is called Home Learning. Children will be able to experience and learn from high quality play opportunities with the help of trained and experienced Portage Practitioners.

To find out more about what Portage is, please click here. To see our portage offer, please click here or contact the duty team on (details below)

Note: Referrals will only be accepted from the Child Development Service (CDS) once accepted for diagnostic assessment. Referrals will not be accepted outside of CDS.

Who to contact

020 7361 2048 020 7361 2048
[email protected]
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