Children's Continence Service


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The Continence Promotion Team in Central London Community HealthCare NHS Trust (CLCH) is provided for adults over the age of 18.

However, for children who have continence needs, the assessments are usually undertaken by your child’s Health Visitor, Specialist Health Visitor, or School Nurse, including the Special Schools Nurses.  Occasionally the assessments might be undertaken by the Children’s Community Nurses, for example if your child attends a school outside of Hammersmith & Fulham, Westminster, or Kensington and Chelsea. Your child will need to be registered with a GP in one of these boroughs in order to be assessed for continence products from CLCH.

Many children will be able to be toilet trained by the age of 3 or 4 years.  However for some children this can be challenging or delayed for a variety of reasons.  If your child is not able to be toilet trained by the age of 4, then CLCH will consider to supply pads or nappies to support your child.  Alternatively there are products available on prescription which may be suitable.

An assessment will be undertaken which will assist the assessor to signpost you to groups or professionals who may be able to offer additional support or equipment to you and your child.  Such services might be a toileting group run by the Child Development Service, or the Enuresis Clinic. The assessment will also consider what size of nappies or pads are suitable for your child and a maximum of four continence products per 24 hour period will be supplied; however the service does not supply pull up pants or bed protection. There is a small range of nappies and pads available.

Deliveries to your home are usually every 8 – 12 weeks and it is important to use these across the whole time period because the service cannot supply additional products. You will be provided with a telephone number in order to organise your child’s delivery.  Children receiving continence products are assessed annually to review bladder and bowel health and maintain supply of products. This will ensure that the product remains suitable for your child. Of course you can contact your health care professional in the meantime if you want the size changed.

Occasionally none of the products in the catalogue are suitable. In cases like this, it may be possible for a Personal Health Budget to be agreed.  This will allow for an agreed financial package in order for you to source and purchase your own choice of products.  Children’s Community Nurses and Special Schools Nurses are able to assess for a Personal Health Budget (PHB) – they will obtain advice from professionals who work with your child and also cost out a range of products.  The Children’s Health Commissioner will decide whether a PHB is appropriate and if this is agreed, it will be set up through the Local Authority payments scheme.  This will be explained to you by the relevant direct payments officer, or local social services representative.

Who to contact

Contact Name
Health Visitor, School Nurse or CCN team
[email protected]

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