Cost of Living Workshops


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Join us for a series of dynamic workshops presented by National Energy Action in partnership with Kensington and Chelsea Libraries. Together, we're addressing the dual challenges of rising living costs and the energy crisis with practical solutions and valuable insights.

From understanding where your energy goes to debunking myths about smart meters, each workshop offers actionable strategies for saving energy, reducing bills, and creating more sustainable homes. We'll delve into the importance of staying warm for both comfort and health, while also providing essential information on fuel debt support and available assistance programs.

You are welcome to join one or all the workshops. We will be having a free prize draw at the end of this online workshop too, where one lucky participant will win an energy saving appliance such as an air fryer, slow cooker or rice cooker - the winner will get their choice via Amazon Prime.

Who to contact

Eventbrite booking page
Scan to visit this website

Where to go

These sessions will be held online

Time / Date Details

When is it on
Tuesdays 9th - 30th July, 11am-12noon
Time of day


This event is free to attend, but booking is essential.

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