Youth Steering Group @ the Politics Project


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The Politics Project supports young people to have their voice heard in politics. We aim to bridge the gap between politicians and young people and make democracy more accessible. We work with young people, teachers, youth workers and politicians to help them to learn, teach and take part in politics with the goal of providing outstanding democratic education.

We are experts in supporting young people and politicians to engage through political contact across the UK. We are a non-partisan organisation which means we don't support or promote any single political party, candidate or issue. We focus on helping everyone understand and get involved in politics and democracy, through leading projects with young people and politicians, creating resources, and coordinating the Democracy Classroom network.

What is the Youth Steering Group?

The Youth Steering Group (YSG) is a new group of 14-20 year olds from diverse backgrounds across the UK that will support The Politics Project (TPP) to effectively engage young people in politics and democracy. The YSG will help us to ensure we are delivering what young people want and need to achieve that aim. The group will work together along with the TPP team to:

  • Help us shape current programmes and resources.
  • Develop ways engaging young people in the work of TPP.
  • Take responsibility for the meetings and strategic direction of the YSG.
  • Act as ambassadors for TPP at events

What are the benefits of joining the Youth Steering Group?

TPP wants the YSG to be a fun and rewarding experience for you, and we believe in ensuring you gain skills as part of being on the YSG. Through this group you'll develop leadership and communication skills, as well as a greater understanding of how to create exciting programmes that get young people engaged in politics. We want to support you to gain transferable skills that will look great on any CV or UCAS application

Who should apply?

We are looking for young people who are:

  • Aged 14-20 years old at the time of application.
  • Can commit to 3-4 two-hour online meetings throughout the year and also 2 in-person training days (1st one held in London in early November, 2nd one (location tbc) in April). Travel expenses will be covered.
  • From anywhere in the UK and can bring a variety of experience and perspectives to the group.
  • Interested in politics and democracy and have a desire to help other young people get involved.

Whether you have lots of ideas or are eager to learn, we’d love to hear from you! We are looking for people who can commit to the group for one year, with the option to stay on for two years. You do not need:

  • Any previous experience being on a Youth Steering Group
  • Any specific qualifications or grades.


We are keen to make the YSG a diverse and inclusive group. Depending on the applicants we get, priority may be given to young people from underrepresented groups. 

How to apply

To apply to become a Youth Steering Group member please complete this application form by 11:59 pm BST on Thursday 19th September 2024.

You can answer the question by writing, uploading a video or submitting a voice note. If you are having issues submitting or uploading your application, please get in touch with us via email so that we can support you. The application form is mainly questions about you, for example how old you are and where you live, but it also includes 3 longer questions. The longer questions are:

  • How would you introduce yourself to someone you had never met? (Your introduction could a bit about yourself, your hobbies/interests and what you are passionate about)
  • What do you like about politics? Is there anything you dislike about politics?
  • Why do you want to join The Politics Project’s Youth Steering Group?

For each of these questions, you should either write around 250 words or record a video/voice note that is around 2 minutes long. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to an informal chat via zoom, that will take place on the week of 30th September 2024. This is not an interview, but an opportunity to get to know each other. We are looking to have our first meeting on a Saturday in early November. Late applications will be considered at The Politics Project’s discretion.

Need extra support?

We have a limited number of online drop-in sessions available to ask any questions about the Youth Steering Group. Register using this link. Outside of these sessions, please feel free to ask any questions about our Youth Steering Group or the application process by emailing [email protected]. We look forward to receiving your application.

Who to contact

[email protected]
Apply here
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