St Quintin’s Marlborough South Centre


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St Quintin’s South Centre is based at Marlborough Primary School, SW3 3AP. We are operational on Saturdays 10am-4pm, term time only and throughout the school holidays, Monday to Friday 10am-4pm.

We cater for care package non-wheelchair users, aged 5-14 who are residents of either Kensington and Chelsea or Westminster. We have access to the community room on the ground floor that we turn into an activity room with floor mats, a sensory tent and table top play stations. We also have access to the large ground floor playground where our service users can come and go as they please due to our free flow policy.

At Marlborough we offer onsite and offsite activities for all our service users. These activities can include: messy play, sensory stories, focused art activities, swimming, cinema trips, bowling, local park trips as well as venturing to activity parks a little further afield such as Thames Valley Adventure Playground.

A photo of a mum and her son walking to the centre A photo of the playground outside the centre

Who to contact

Contact Name
Grace Barrett
Contact Position
Team Leader
0207 361 2885 0207 361 2885 0773 9315 107 0773 9315 107
[email protected]

Where to go

Marlborough Primary School
Draycott Avenue


View SW3 3AP on a map

Time / Date Details

When is it on
Saturdays 10am - 4pm (term time), Monday - Friday, 10am - 4pm (school holidays)
Time of day

Local Offer


Last Updated

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