Queensmill Kensington


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Kensington Queensmill is specialist school for children and young people (CYP) diagnosed with autism and significant learning difficulties (SLD) from 3-19. The majority of CYP’s autism and learning difficulties are at the complex end of the spectrum but the school places at its heart, learning that is child/young person centred with an emphasis on accepting the child for who they are and helping them understand and cope with the world around them. From this starting point, we are able to help CYP make progress in acquiring academic, communication, social, regulation and life skills.

Staff at Kensington Queensmill are highly trained in autism and associated impairments and learning difficulties and the school commits a significant proportion of its annual budget to training and maintaining staff knowledge and resources so that CYP learn in an environment that understands and is suited to them. The school is effective in personalising learning so that CYP have unique programmes that are motivating and CYP are thoroughly supported to make progress. When this progress occurs, we are committed to creating and adapting provision to ensure it can continue. This is achieved through our membership of a trust of specialist schools and resource bases including Queensmill (Hammersmith) and provisions at mainstream schools in Fulham.

The school is the creation of a partnership between QCEST and Kensington and Chelsea local authority (LA). We are fortunate to have been provided a purpose-built, state-of-the art building for children and young people (CYP) with autism and SLD by the LA. The school meets the needs of CYP across the bi-borough (Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster) and has a strong financial and philosophical commitment to providing the very best for vulnerable CYP.

Our partner school, Queensmill (Hammersmith), has well-established, highly effective practice embedded throughout. Ofsted have judged the school as ‘Outstanding’ in the past three inspections of 2007, 2010 and most recently in 2014, in the new build. The school has been accredited by the national autistic society and awarded the status of ‘cutting-edge’ practice in its most recent moderation, also in 2014. At Kensington Queensmill it is our mission to replicate this level of outstanding provision, adapted to the specific needs of the community that the school will serve.

Who to contact

Contact Name
Kensington Queensmill
02087408112 02087408112
[email protected]

Ofsted information: Ofsted | Kensington Queensmill School

Local Offer

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SEN Provision Type

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