Oratory Primary School (Kensington and Chelsea)


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We are a one form entry Roman Catholic primary school located in the heart of Chelsea, just a short distance from the Kings Road. Ours is a very close community; our ‘Oratory School Family’ is made up of wonderful children, enthusiastic parents, a dedicated staff and supportive governors and trustees. We work in a spirit of trust and collaboration to ensure our pupils achieve the very best they can academically, and to equip them to become faithful Catholics, loving and considerate with others, and keen to make the most of the years which stretch before them to do good.

Wraparound childcare / clubs information:

Breakfast club time: N/A

Breakfast club cost: N/A

After school club time: until 6pm

After school club cost: £10 per session

Provider: Active Day Camps

Holiday provision: N/A

Additional information: 

Open to under 5s: N/A

Note: for children attending this school only. 

Information correct as of September 2024. Please do check with the school for any changes to the wraparound/clubs provision and for further information.

Who to contact

020 7589 5900 020 7589 5900
[email protected]
Oratory Primary School
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SEN information report: SEND-Oratory-school-offer

Ofsted information: Ofsted | Oratory Roman Catholic Primary School

Where to go

London Oratory School
Bury Walk


View SW3 6QH on a map

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