Discovery Days: Life underground @ Hyde Park


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Join us for our last week to uncover and explore Life Underground in Hyde Park. Drop in anytime between 11am-3pm to take part in a variety of activities including:

  • Explore our gardens with a minibeast hunt

  • Create an underground clay animal to take away

  • Learn how different creatures live underground – From ants and worms to badgers and foxes

  • Build a fox or badger den

Please note:

  • Throughout the summer holidays we will be hosting four weeks of themed outdoor activities every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

  • The activities are suitable for the whole family to enjoy, allowing you and your children to connect with nature together (and giving you the chance to find your inner child!).

  • Storytelling sessions will take place at 12, 1, and 2 PM with all other activities ongoing through the day.

  • For more information about booking please see our FAQ's on the website or email [email protected].

Who to contact

[email protected]
Event page
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Where to go

Hyde Park Learning Centre, The Lookout
Hyde Park

W2 2UH

View W2 2UH on a map

Time / Date Details

When is it on
20th - 22nd August. Drop in session from 11am-3pm
Time of day


Discovery Days are free drop-in events. We appreciate if you register your interest online, as this helps give us an idea of how many people are coming so we can resource the event.

Last Updated

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