Articles on SEND Local Offer (222)

  1. Managed Budgets

    A care package under a managed budget can be made up of one or many of the following (dependent on level of need): An in-house service – (e.g. St Quintin’s, Marlborough or Tresham) An activity – (e.g. Trampolining or yoga) Inclusion - (e.g. Fit for Sport…
  2. Measles

    Measles spreads very easily – it is five times more infectious than COVID-19. Measles can cause very serious illnesses like meningitis, sepsis and could result in permanent disabilities such as blindness. Many people who catch measles are likely to be hospitalised.  Find out more about…
  3. Mediation process and procedure

    Parents and young people can go through mediation following decisions made by the local authority such as: a decision not to carry out an EHC needs assessment a decision not to issue an EHC Plan a decision not to amend an EHC Plan a decision to…
  4. Multi Agency Good Practice Events

    Our Multi Agency Good Practice Events offer a chance a for a wide range of professionals from multiple services and settings to come together and share effective strategies for supporting children and young people with SEND. Please see below for details of our most recent…
  5. My Personal Passport

    What is My Personal Passport? The Personal Passport has been designed by the local authority as an easy way for staff to find out important information about the children and young people they work with who have SEND. It includes: Things staff must know about…
  6. North Family Hub Children's Centre Offer

    Our centres are warm and friendly places and welcome all resident families with a child under five. Our main centres are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. Holmfield House Children’s Centre is also open once a month on a Saturday. At each of our centres…
  7. Opportunities for 16-25

    Want to find out more about services and opportunities which can help you as you prepare for adulthood? Check out this useful document for young people 16-25 listing information about; careers and employment support services, College Search engines, Finance, Housing, Mental Health support, Volunteering, Youth activities and…
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