Articles on Professionals Hub (76)

  1. SEND resources for professionals

    SEND Resources for Professionals The resources below can also be found in the Kensington and Chelsea SEND Local Offer website and bring together a wide collection of toolkits, advice and guidance to support and help those professionals working closely with young people with SEND. They…
  2. Service Pupil Premium Resource Directory

    Welcome to the first Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster Service Pupil Premium Directory. This Directory has been created to support schools develop their understanding of the Armed Forces Covenant, the Armed Forces Community and the Service Pupil Premium. It pulls together information and resources from…
  3. Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) resources

    In this section you will find useful information and resources: I CAN – Speech and communication resources Black sheep resources Do2learn Variety of different free downloadable visuals can be found here. Widgit Supporting communication and reading for young learners. Downloadable software that supports symbol labelling, visual timetables and educational materials…
  4. Stay with us: preventing suicide together

    On the link below, you can access the Kensington and Chelsea dedicated suicide prevention resource. We want to raise awareness of suicide and its impact on our communities. Here, you will find practical information on the support available locally in Kensington and Chelsea, as well…
  5. Supporting children to communicate

    If you think your child needs some help with their speech, language and communication development, the Bi-Borough Communication Hub is here to help.The hub offers free advice, resources and support to young people of all ages and their families in both Kensington and Chelsea and Westminser, as…
  6. Thinking of opening a nursery setting

    The following information will help you if you are considering opening an early years and childcare provision in Kensington and Chelsea. It is here to signpost you and develop your thinking - it is not intended as an action plan or a definitive list. When…
  7. Training for Professionals and Practitioners

    This page aims to provide information about training opportunities for professionals and practitioners working with children and young people: Bi-Borough Early Education and Childcare Service (BBEECS) offer: The CPD programme is designed to help Ofsted registered early years and childcare providers (including childminders), children’s centres,…
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