Articles on Schools and learning (39)

  1. What is alternative provision?

    What is alternative provision? The DfE alternative provision statutory guidance defines alternative provision (also known as AP) as education arranged by the Local Authority for children resident in their borough in the following circumstances: Children who have been excluded (previously referred to as permanently excluded)…
  2. What is SEN Support?

    Any support your child gets from their school or other setting should meet their needs. If your child has special educational needs (SEN), they will be able to access help – called SEN Support – from their early years settings, such as nurseries or childminders, …
  3. What SEN support may include

    If a school or nursery decides your child has SEN they will write an SEN support plan. This plan identifies your child's needs, the action needed and planned outcomes. However, if your child's needs are severe or complex they may go straight to the next step…
  4. What we expect from schools and settings around SEND

    We expect every early years provider, state-funded mainstream and special school and post 16 setting to make effective education for children with special educational needs and disability so that they make good progress in their learning and, in the long-term, can become independent and gain…
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