Articles on Getting help (192)

  1. Training for Professionals and Practitioners

    This page aims to provide information about training opportunities for professionals and practitioners working with children and young people: Bi-Borough Early Education and Childcare Service (BBEECS) offer: The CPD programme is designed to help Ofsted registered early years and childcare providers (including childminders), children’s centres,…
  2. Transitions during the Early Years

    Starting nursery or school is a big milestone in your child’s life and can be both an exciting and anxious time for the child and parents/carers. Below are a few tips that can help to make this new transition as smooth as possible for your…
  3. Vaccinations and immunisations

    Vaccination Information for Under 5s. Vaccinations are the most effective way to protect your child from many serious and potentially fatal diseases. The World Health Organisation says that vaccinations are the most important health intervention after clean water and are responsible for saving millions of…
  4. WellComm

    The Bi-borough is proud to deepen its commitment to ensuring 'Brilliant Beginnings' for all young children.  It is recognised in the Early Years Foundation Stage 2021, that spoken language underpins all areas of learning as well as improving life chances for all children.   With this in…
  5. What is an EHCP? (Education, Health and Care Plan)

    What is an EHCP (Education, Health and Care plan) This is legal document which is a collaborative working document between the family, health, education and social care professionals. The child will have SEND whether with a diagnosis or without. These maybe health or education related…
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