Relationships and Sex Education


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Explore the following sections to access information about sexual consent and rape:

Sexual consent

Sexual consent is where a person has the ability and freedom to agree to sexual activity.

Being forced to have sex when you don't consent is called rape.

You need to gain consent before every sexual encounter. Just because you have had sex with someone in the past it doesn't mean that you are entitled to have sex with them again.

You must not have sex with anyone who:

  • is under the age of 16
  • has not consented (they have said or gestured 'no' to having sex)
  • has changed their mind about having sex (said 'no' after saying 'yes' including during sex)
  • is unconscious or has fallen unconscious during sex

Understanding consent is simple, and the short video below explains why:


Being forced to have sex when you don't consent is rape. Both women and men can be victims of rape.

If you have been raped or feel you may be at risk of being raped, it is important to contact your local police station or dial 999. You can also get advice and support from Rape Crisis.

It takes strength to talk about rape. If you’re a survivor, you are not alone and you deserve support. 

Page last reviewed: 03/05/2024

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