Ofsted Registration Information


Early Years Register

If you care for children from birth until the 31st August following their fifth birthday for more than two hours per day, you must legally register with Ofsted on the Early Years Register. You must comply with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and will be inspected accordingly. This means that if your club accepts children in their reception year at primary school (or younger), you need to register on the Early Years Register.

Differences Between the Registers

Visit the Ofsted website for information on both registers.

Compulsory Childcare Register

If you care for children from the 1st September following their fifth birthday (i.e., in Year 1) up to the age of eight for more than two hours per day, you are required to register on the Compulsory part of the Childcare Register.

Differences Between the Registers

Visit the Ofsted website for information on both registers.

Exemptions to compulsory registration

Most out-of-school clubs that offer childcare, rather than specific activity coaching like football, chess, or French, generally need to be registered with Ofsted. However, if a club is directly managed by a school (meaning the staff are employed by the school governors) and at least one child from the school attends, it typically falls under the school’s Ofsted registration and does not require separate registration. 

Voluntary Registration

If you care for children aged eight to 18, you may choose to register with the Voluntary part of the Childcare Register. This part of the register is for childcare providers who:

“care for children for whom compulsory registration is not required, for two or more hours in any one day; or for a period less than two hours where this includes care immediately before or after a school day.” - Early Years and Childcare Registration Handbook

For more information, see Qualifying for the voluntary part of the Childcare Register - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Related Links

  1. Guidance: How Ofsted inspects before and afterschool care and holiday provision

Page last reviewed: 05/09/2024

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