What is Participation?


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“Participation is having opportunities to be part of decisions that are important to you and may lead to changes”.

Definition created by young people at the SEND Young People’s National Conference, 2019.

  • You have the right to be involved in things that matter to you.

  • The law says you must have your say.

  • It will help us understand the needs and wants of young people in the local area.  

  • It will help us improve services and understand what changes need to be made. 

  • It will help your communication, confidence and social skills

  • You can meet other young people and create a new and supportive friendship network. 

  • You can be involved in the council’s decision-making process.

Watch this video to learn more.


Here at the council, we want to make sure our strategy for participation is clear. It will follow these five principles:

 1.      RIGHTS

All children and young people have the right to have a say about things that affect them, receive information they understand and have the support they need to learn, have fun and be safe, healthy and happy.


Children and young people have the right to information that is accessible, easy to understand and SEND and child friendly. 


Children and young people should be able to give their feedback and communicate their feelings in ways which are appropriate to them. We will use various communication methods according to young people's preferences. 


Young people will have opportunities to be involved in decision making processes through engagement, inclusion, consultation and co-production.


We will ensure all participation is embedded and overseen through members of the Participation Champions Network, termly reference groups, Child Families Act Executive Board, and anywhere there are other opportunities for young people to be involved.


We want to hear from you, act on what you say and then let you know what we have done based on your feedback. We want to make changes to things that are important to you ensuring your time is valued.

Our Aims

Our Aims:

  1. We want to provide services to young people by listening to young people.
  2. We want you to tell us what you want and then share this with other people in the council.
  3. We will hear what you say and then act upon it making sure we keep you updated on what is happening.

Page last reviewed: 31/05/2024

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