What happens if a child/young person is missing school due to illness?


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What is the medical needs policy?

This policy sets out the Local Authority’s and schools’ responsibilities together with what our partners in the Local Area will do, to provide full time education for children of compulsory school age who, because of illness, or long term medical condition, would otherwise not receive suitable education. It applies to all children of compulsory school age whether or not the child is on the roll of a school.

Please click here to download a copy of the policy

The underlying principles behind this policy

The Local Authority and its partners are committed to ensuring that all children and young people in each borough receive a good education in order to maximise the learning potential of each individual. A fundamental part of our Local Offer aims to ensure that all children and young people are given the opportunity of an inclusive education that meets their specific needs.

Children and young people who have additional health needs are, by the nature of their difficulties, at risk of failing to reach their true potential within an educational context. This is particularly the case for those children and young people whose health needs prevent them from attending school for an extended period of time, or for those who are restricted by their health needs to attending school on a part-time or sporadic basis.

This policy aims to outline the support available that can be accessed for children and young people with medical needs, including details of when and how alternative provision will be arranged if this is required and the respective roles and responsibilities of the Local Authority, CCGs, schools, parents/carers, providers and other agencies.

Related Links

  1. Well at School: Information and advice to schools on supporting children with health conditions


  1. RBKC medical needs policy October 2021
  2. Medical Needs Notification Form

Page last reviewed: 25/03/2024

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