Infant feeding


There are a number of sessions offering breastfeeding advice and support. These sessions also offer facilities to weigh baby and health advice for mother and baby. Health visitors and midwives are available at these sessions.

You can get support with breastfeeding from a specialist infant feeding health visitor. One to one breastfeeding support is also available on request, at home or at the postnatal group.

You can contact your health visiting team on 0208 200 2500 and select option 2. Your health visitor will be able to signpost you to baby clinics and breastfeeding support in your area. 

If you are a mother who has enjoyed breastfeeding, please look into the ‘La Leche breastfeeding peer counselling training programme’. This training programme offers mothers who have experience breastfeeding three months training to use their valuable experience to help support new mothers.

For further information on breastfeeding visit the NHS breastfeeding page.

You may also find the following links about infant feeding useful:

Page last reviewed: 18/06/2024

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