Assessment of SEN


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Who can request an EHCNA?

Any practitioner or professional working with a child, young person, parent or carer can request an EHC Needs Assessment.

If a child or young person is attending an educational setting (nursery, school, college) we recommend that you speak to the headteacher or principal of this setting and or the teacher with responsibility for children/young people with special educational needs. The educational setting can make a request on behalf of the parent, carer or young person - this should be done with your knowledge and agreement.

Once the request for assessment is submitted, we'll let you know within 6 weeks whether we think your child needs one.

If you wish to make a request for an EHC Needs Assessment, please contact:

The Bi-borough SEN Service
Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea
Kensington Town Hall
Hornton Street
W8 7NX

Telephone: 020 7361 3311
Email: [email protected]

What if my child is younger than 2 years old?

It is not always appropriate to carry out an Education Health and Care needs assessment for children who are younger than two years old. However, we will consider the most appropriate ways forward and discuss these with parents/carers and professionals as needed. If we do decide not to assess your child’s needs, we'll tell you why and how you can appeal.

How can I request an EHCNA? What forms should I use?

Parents and Carers should use the following form:

EHC Parent Carer Request Form

All About Me Form / Template

Assessment request forms related to the Education Health and Care (EHC) plan process for professionals:

EHC Education Setting Request Form

EHC Social Care request for professional advice

EHC Professional Information and Advice form

Short Term Contingency Funding Request Form (for students without an EHC Plan)

All About Me Form / Template

SEN Panel

Education, Health and Care needs assessment requests are sent to the SEN Service and are considered by the SEN Panel.  The Terms of Reference and Attendee Advice documents give clear information regarding when the panels are held, who attends and what decisions the panel is required to make.

What happens if we agree your child needs should be assessed?

Your child may need an Education, Health and Care needs assessment if the extra support they are receiving is not helping or they have severe or complex needs. If the assessment is agreed, your child will be issued with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

We'll work with our partners in Education, Health and Social Care to complete an assessment within 20 weeks.

We'll give you a named EHC Coordinator who will arrange a meeting with you.

As part of the assessment, the SEN Service will also contact:

  • teachers or staff at your child's nursery, school or college
  • an educational psychologist
  • specialist teachers from the specialist teaching and learning service if they are already involved
  • a paediatrician (or your child’s GP if your child is over 18)
  • a speech and language therapist, an occupational therapist or a physical therapist, if already involved
  • Family Services (or Adult Social Care if your child is over 18 years old)
  • anyone else we need advice from, or that you think we should seek information from

This information will help us see how your child’s needs affect his/her access to learning across a range of areas. 

Involving you and your child

You and your child should be at the centre of the assessment process. We'll make sure you have time to prepare for meetings and give you time to share your views. You can come to any examinations or assessments your child needs.

What happens after the assessment?

If we decide not to issue an Education, Health and Care Plan

We'll tell you within 16 weeks of starting the EHC needs assessment if we decide not to issue a plan for your child. We'll invite you to a meeting to discuss the decision and possible ways forward. This is called a Next Steps meeting. Even if your child doesn’t need an EHC plan there will still be support available through the Local Offer.

If you disagree with our decision, you have two months to appeal to a tribunal. We will explain how you can appeal. As part of this process you will also be given information about mediation where an independent third party will seek to informally resolve disagreements.

If we agree to issue an Education, Health and Care Plan

If the Education Health and Care needs assessment shows that the special educational needs provision required is over and above what is available through the Local Offer, then the Local Authority will issue an EHCP.

Related Advice

  1. Assessment request forms related to the Education, Health and Care process
  2. Assessment request forms related to the Education, Health and Care process


  1. SEN Panel - Attendee Advice
  2. SEN Panel- Terms of reference

Page last reviewed: 21/05/2024

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