Supported housing


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A housing estate, drawn by Nico, age 6
Drawn by Nico, age 6

Supported Housing

Supported Living is a type of housing for adults with Learning Disabilities and/or Autism or other disabilities who want to live independently but may need some support.

In Supported Living you will have some responsibility for looking after your home or your room. This may mean doing some chores and tasks you don’t like so much or learning new skills to be more independent. It is important that you feel safe and comfortable in your home - this easy read document lets you know what your rights are within supported housing.  

To access supported housing you will need a referral made by your care manager from the Learning Disability team. The team will then carry out a detailed assessment to see what type of accommodation is most suitable for you.

For more information and advice, the care management team can be contacted at:

Community Learning Disability Team

Telephone: 020 7313 6843

                 020 7313 6880

E-mail: [email protected]


Abdelrahmane's drawing of a blue house
Drawn by Abdelrahmane, age 11

Living Independently

Some young people with SEND will be able to live independently. If you are able to live independently, you can apply for ‘general needs housing’ through the Council's Housing Department. You will be able to join the housing register, which is a list of people waiting for housing or to be rehoused. More information about this process can be found here.

If you live alone think you need some support to manage day-to-day tasks, it can be useful to talk through your situation with someone who can look at the difficulties you are experiencing and who can offer suggestions and advice on support that will help make things easier. This process is called an assessment.

Under the Care Act you have a right to be assessed for free by your local council if you appear to need care and support to complete activities in your day-to-day life. You have this right to be assessed regardless of your financial situation, or whether the council thinks you will then be eligible for support from them.

You can ask your council for an assessment yourself, or be referred by someone you know, or by a professional who is already involved in your care, such as a GP, community nurse, or mental health nurse. If you are being referred by someone else, that person should have discussed and agreed this with you in advance.

The video below provides some information about living independently if you have learning difficulties.

The People First Website provides lots of detailed information about living independently. For more information and advice, the Council’s Housing Department can be contacted at:

The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea

Ground Floor Reception - Town Hall
Hornton Street, W8 7NX
Telephone: Housingline 020 7361 3008
Fax: 020 7368 0328
Email: [email protected]

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  1. Preparing for adulthood

Page last reviewed: 20/06/2024

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