Annual Health Check


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Annual health checks are for adults and young people aged 14 or over with a learning disability.

An annual health check helps you stay well by talking about your health and finding any problems early, so you get the right care.

You do not have to be ill to have a health check – in fact, most people have their annual health check when they're feeling well. 

A GP (General Practitioner) is a medical professional trained to look after your general health needs.  All practices in Ealing are signed up to provide an annual health check for patients with a learning disability.  GP practices have a list of people with Learning Disabilities.  People on this list will be offered a health check.

The annual health check will cover:

  • Communication needs
  • Immunisations
  • Invitation to cancer screening as appropriate 
  • Lifestyle advice
  • A physical examination
  • Questions about general health and wellbeing
  • Medication
  • Behaviour
  • Care Plan
  • Any concerns you wish to discuss

At the end of the health check the GP should give you a copy of your care plan. 

Next steps 

You can contact your GP to ensure that your young person is registered on the learning disability register.

These are some more resources: 

Resources for people with learning disabilities and families

Easy Health

This website has a wealth of easy read information about health including information about health checks. The website is currently being upgraded so it is not possible to give more information at this stage:

Don’t Miss Out

This project commissioned by NHS England from Mencap, includes films and guidance for people with learning disabilities about health checks. A number of people with learning disabilities are interviewed about what happens at an Annual Health Check, why it’s important, and what support you can ask for. 

Annual Health Checks

This web page by NHS England has an overview of health checks with links to further resources. It is written in Easy English but does not include pictures.

Don’t miss out on your health check

A short easy read leaflet from NHS England about health checks which stresses the need to be on the GP register to get a health check.

Health is Everybody’s Responsibility

This film by the Misfits Theatre Company (a theatre company of people with learning disabilities) stresses the importance of having a health check, being on the GP register and what can be added to a Summary Care Record. It has subtitles in Easy English:  

Page last reviewed: 21/05/2024

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