Our vision for Early Years in the Bi-Borough


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  • ALL children and families receive a positive welcome

  • Parents have choice as to which setting they attend

  • We can meet the needs of all children

  • There is robust tracking and assessment in place in settings

  • Staff in settings are well trained and confident supporting children with SEND

  • SENCos and staff know how to access support and funding

  • Early identification of needs is robust and SENCos and staff are confident in identifying next steps

  • Parents are fully included and are actively involved in all decision making processes regarding their children

  • Multi-agency working is strong and effective

  • Referral pathways are clear and settings know how to refer

  • There are  consistently high expectations for staff and children

  • Funding is put into place in good time

  • There is a graduated approach with clear record keeping

  • Partnership with parents is valued

Page last reviewed: 08/03/2024

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