Other Autism information and resources


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This page provides other information and resources to explore.

The SEND Local Offer

The SEND Local Offer is published on your council’s website. It provides information on health, education, social care, and non-statutory local services and support available locally for children and young people (aged 0-25) with special educational needs and disabilities and their families. The ‘Local Offer’ is regularly updated and the best place to look for the most up-to-date information.




The Local Offer also provides information specific to autism.


Autism Zone | Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (rbkc.gov.uk)

Autism Zone | Westminster FIS

The National Autistic Society

The National Autistic Society (www.autism.org.uk) is a reliable internet source to gain further information and understanding of autistic spectrum disorders. 

Further information for teachers supporting autistic children is available on the National Autistic Society website https://www.autism.org.uk/what-we-do/education-and-children-services/autism-practice-education-newsletter

The Autism Education Trust

The Autism Education Trust has useful information for schools and parents:



Contact charity

Contact charity for families with disabled children run a range of online workshops for parents of children from the early years (0-5 years) through to young people moving into adulthood: https://contact.org.uk/help-for-families/workshops-and-events/workshops/early-years-workshops/#speech-and-language-0-to-5

Ambitious about Autism

Another useful website is Ambitious about Autism which has lots of useful information for parents and schools. https://www.ambitiousaboutautism.org.uk/

Ambitious about Autism has an Ambitious Youth Network which provides opportunities to link with other young people, including regular peer support sessions on zoom https://www.ambitiousaboutautism.org.uk/what-we-do/connecting-young-people/online-youth-network

Ambitious about Autism have blogs with young autistic people sharing their experiences of receiving a diagnosis: https://www.ambitiousaboutautism.org.uk/information-about-autism/preparing-for-adulthood/making-sense-of-your-autism-diagnosis

Autistic and Unapologetic website

https://autisticandunapologetic.com – website developed by young man with ASD.

The Girl with Curly Hair website

www.thegirlwiththecurlyhair.co.uk - a website set-up by Alis Rowe, a young person who was diagnosed with Asperger’s at the age of 22.

Autism Animated

https://autismanimated.com/dolph/m/feed/view/Understanding-the-spectrum-a-comic-strip-explanation provides a useful explanation on what is meant by ‘autism spectrum’.

Books on Autism

Young children:

  • The Survival Guide for Kids with Autism Spectrum Disorders by Elizabeth Verdick (2012)

  • My Autism Book by Gloria Dura-Vila and Tamar Levi (2013)Different like me: My Book of Autism Heroes by Jennifer Elder (2006)

  • How to Live with Autism and Asperger Syndrome: Practical Strategies for Parents and Professionals by Chris Williams and Barry Wright (2003)

  • I am Special: A Workbook to Help Children, Teens and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders to Understand Their Diagnosis, Gain Confidence and Thrive by Peter Vermeulen


  • Parenting a Teen or Young Adult with Asperger Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder): 325 Ideas, Insights, Tips and Strategies by Brenda Boyd (2017)

  • Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome: A User Guide to Adolescence by Luke Jackson (2002)

  • Taking Care of Myself 2 for Teenagers & Young Adults with ASD by Mary Wrobel (2017)

  • The Asperkid's (Secret) Book of Social Rules: The Handbook of Not-So-Obvious Social Guidelines for Tweens and Teens with Asperger Syndrome by Jennifer Cook O'Toole (2012)

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder and the Transition into Secondary School: A Handbook for implementing strategies in the mainstream school setting by Marianna Murin, Josselyn Hellreigel and Will Mandy


Page last reviewed: 11/02/2024

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