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The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea ('the Council') is committed to the highest standard of quality information and every attempt has been made to present up to date and accurate information.

The purpose of this website is to provide information on activities and support services available to you and your family. Please note that some of the services detailed in this list are provided and managed by the Council, whilst others are provided and managed by organisations and individuals independent to the Council.

However, the Council gives no warranty as to the accuracy of the information on this web site and accepts no liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of reliance on such information.

Although the Council takes all reasonable measures to ensure that the information provided to it from third parties is not defamatory or offensive, the Council cannot control the content or take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers.

The Council will use its best endeavours to safeguard the privacy of its website visitors. For further information, please access the Council's Fair Processing Notice, and also the Council's Data Protection Notice.

What you can do as a parent/carer

Many of the services and groups detailed on this website are not registered or regulated in any way. However, a good service will welcome questions about their activities and how they ensure safety. It is your responsibility to ensure your family’s safety when taking part in any service detailed on this website and the Council recommends that you contact the provider of the service prior to booking to ensure they have proper safeguarding and health and safety policies in place.

For more information about keeping your child safe please visit the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea’s Safeguarding children page.

We welcome feedback from anyone participating in the services detailed on this website and you can contact us by calling us on 07814 804262 , or email: [email protected].

Page last reviewed: 22/05/2024

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