Health Services to support children with specific medical conditions


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Information on the support available for children with a specific medical condition can be found by expanding the drop-down menu below.  

Much of this support is provided by the Bi-Borough School Health Service and Children's Community Nursing Service

Bi-Borough School Health Service

Children's Community Nursing Service (CCN)

Bi-Borough School Health Service

Bi-Borough School Health Service covers Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster schools and includes qualified nurses who have additional qualifications in Specialist Community and Public Health Nursing (School Nurses) as well as registered nurses (School Staff Nurses). The team also includes number of specialist practitioners including a Lead for Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing, Lead for Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE), Safeguarding Lead and Lead for Clinical Education.

The service works with the local communities, the family and individual children/young people to ensure children’s health needs are met. The service works in different settings including schools.

Staff in the service offer health assessments to vulnerable children as well as advice and support for children and parents around health issues such as continence, behaviour, sleep and emotional health, healthy weight and lifestyle.

Schools will receive access to a named school nurse for the school, who will offer support with:

  • Yearly Partnership agreement with the school
  • Medical needs training support with care plan review support (Asthma, epilepsy, anaphylaxis and other conditions per school request)
  • Drop in service
  • Safeguarding support
  • Universal Health Questionnaire to all children starting reception and Year 7
  • Health promotions assemblies, coffee mornings and parent’s evenings
  • Universal screening (vision and hearing)
  • National Childhood Measurement Program (NCMP) in eligible schools, with referrals to Change4life service
  • Duty line to offer support and advice to children, families, schools and other professionals every day of the working week.

As a part of Westminster School Health Service, the Relationship, Sex and Health Education(RSHE) team deliver age appropriate classroom based or school assembly health promotion sessions, in the form of bespoke PowerPoint presentations, activities and delivery methods to accommodate both the needs of the students and the day to day school timetable, in addition to meeting the statutory guidelines for RSHE in schools set out by the government.

For further support and guidance please contact:

Duty Phone: 020 3317 4460 


[email protected] (Kensington and Chelsea)

[email protected] (Westminster)

Or Clinical Service Lead Marta Thlon, Telephone: 07512 052048

Email: [email protected]

Children's Community Nurses - More Information

The CCNs provide nursing care to CYP in Hammersmith & Fulham; Kensington & Chelsea; and Westminster with acute or long-term complex needs in their own home or community setting, e.g. nursery, mainstream school, etc.  The specialist nursing services includes support for but not limited to the following areas:

  • Blood sampling
  • Care of children with cancers and leukaemias
  • Giving intravenous, intramuscular, and subcutaneous medication
  • Home oxygen therapy
  • Wound management
  • Special or complex health needs
  • Support and equipment for nasogastric and gastrostomy tube feeds
  • Children who are dependent on medical technology
  • Palliative and end of life care
  • Bereavement support
  • Medical, developmental, and bereavement play

The CCNs work closely with Imperial’s PATCH (Providing Acute Treatment for Children at Home) service.  This enables admission avoidance for acutely unwell children, such as those with respiratory illness, or neonatal jaundice, where it is safe to do so. 

CCNs can make referrals to the North West London Children’s Continuing Care Team for assessment for care packages if appropriate, and support complex discharges from hospital.

Training may be provided by the CCNs, or outsourced to an appropriate provider. Training to main providers may include, but is not limited to, emergency central line care, gastrostomy care and feeds, and administration of oxygen. 

CCNs also provide professional advice for EHCPs for children on their caseload and support schools with Health Care Plans for children on the caseload in conjunction with the school nurses.


For further advice and guidance please contact the Team:  [email protected]

Special School Nurses - More Information

The SSNs provide specialist nursing care to CYP aged 4 to 19 years old, with ongoing complex health needs, at Jack Tizard School in Hammersmith & Fulham, and Queen Elizabeth 2 Jubilee School in Westminster in order to enable them to access education. This includes working with colleagues in education in supporting schools with enteral feeding, such as nasogastric, gastrostomy or jejunostomy feeding, the administration of regular medication, supporting medical emergencies, undertaking continence assessments, liaising with families’ health and social care professionals. Children’s Community Nurses cover the SSNs in their absence.

SSNs can assist with writing a Health Care Plan in conjunction with relevant staff.

The Special Schools are responsible for ensuring Health Care Plans are updated at least annually or whenever there is any change in the condition or management of the condition. 

The service will also arrange for any training required for administering emergency medication.  

The SSNs also provide training on how to implement safe clinical procedures to school staff working with the CYP, for example suctioning, oxygen management.


For further advice and guidance please contact the Service Lead: Sara Buttle Telephone:  07721246192  Email:  [email protected]

Children's Continuing Care

Continuing care eligibility is considered when a child has health needs from a disability, accident or illness where their needs cannot be met by existing universal or specialist NHS services. We would accept referrals for any child that is registered with a GP within NHS North West London. For more information please contact [email protected]

Continence Support

For children who have continence needs, the assessments are usually undertaken by your child’s Health Visitor, Specialist Health Visitor, or School Nurse, including the Special Schools Nurses. Occasionally the assessments might be undertaken by the Children’s Community Nurses, for example if your child attends a school outside of Hammersmith & Fulham, Westminster, or Kensington and Chelsea. Your child will need to be registered with a GP in one of these boroughs in order to be assessed for continence products from CLCH.

Many children will be able to be toilet trained by the age of 3 or 4 years. However, for some children this can be challenging or delayed for a variety of reasons. If your child is not able to be toilet trained by the age of 4, then CLCH will consider to supply pads or nappies to support child. Alternatively, there are products available on prescription which may be suitable.

An assessment will be undertaken which will assist the assessor to signpost you to groups or professionals who may be able to offer additional support or equipment to you and your child.  Such services might be a toileting group run by the Child Development Service, or the Enuresis Clinic. The assessment will also consider what size of nappies or pads are suitable for your child and a maximum of four continence products per 24 hour period will be supplied; however the service does not supply pull up pants or bed protection. There is a small range of nappies and pads available.

Deliveries to your home are usually every 8 – 12 weeks and it is important to use these across the whole time period because the service cannot supply additional products. You will be provided with a telephone number in order to organise your child’s delivery.  Children receiving continence products are assessed annually to review bladder and bowel health and maintain supply of products. This will ensure that the product remains suitable for your child. Of course you can contact your health care professional in the meantime if you want the size changed.

Occasionally none of the products in the catalogue are suitable. In cases like this, it may be possible for a Personal Health Budget to be agreed.  This will allow for an agreed financial package in order for you to source and purchase your own choice of products.  Children’s Community Nurses and Special Schools Nurses are able to assess for a Personal Health Budget (PHB) – they will obtain advice from professionals who work with your child and also cost out a range of products.  The Children’s Health Commissioner will decide whether a PHB is appropriate and if this is agreed, it will be set up through the Local Authority payments scheme.  This will be explained to you by the relevant direct payments officer, or local social services representative.

Who to contact

School Nurse or CCN team

Children’s Community Nursing Service Contact Details:

Telephone: 020 7266 8777   E-mail: [email protected]

For additional help and support for children’s continence issues you can also visit and


Children who require Adrenaline Auto Injectors will receive ongoing prescriptions from their GP.  Adrenaline Auto Injectors should last for 18 months. Schools are able to purchase emergency Adrenaline Auto Injectors if additional pens are required.

Training can be accessed through this link:

Bi-borough School Health Service can also offer allergy awareness sessions on request.

Viral Wheeze

A wheeze is a high pitched musical noise heard when a child breathes out.

Wheeze caused by an infection or virus is a common condition in childhood and occurs when a cough, cold or chest infection irritates the breathing tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs. Virus induced wheeze is most common in children of pre-school age. One in three children will have had an episode by the time they are three years old. This may occur each time the child has a cold virus, but yet they are normally well and symptom free when they don’t have a cold. If your child was born early, has had bronchiolitis or is exposed to cigarette smoke they are more likely to have episodes of virus induced wheeze.

Children with viral wheeze are managed by their GP.


As part of the school admissions process, all schools (mainstream and special schools) should complete a health check.  If it is determined, that a child has asthma, parents should be asked to share the asthma care plan with the school, or the GP can be contacted directly for a copy of the asthma care plan.   GPs are responsible for providing an asthma health care plan (unless the child has more significant asthma difficulties where they are seen by specialist services).  If there are difficulties in obtaining the asthma care plan from the GP, the Bi-Borough School Health Service are able to assist with chasing this for you.

 The Bi-Borough School Health Service offers a health questionnaire to all children starting school at Year R and Year 7. Staff in the service provide support and advice for any children with identified asthma. Public Health School Nurses also receive all notifications for children attending emergency services due to asthma and will follow up with advice and support to the school and the family. School nurses provide asthma awareness sessions to all schools in the area.

 For out of borough GPs, all schools need to liaise with that GP directly. If you have specific problems in obtaining the asthma care plan for an out of borough GP, let the Designated Clinical Officer (DCO) know and they will escalate this to the DCO in the relevant borough. 

 The Specialist Asthma team supports the network around the child, which includes GP practices and the Bi-borough School Nursing Service, in order for them to support CYP and schools.

 For further advice and guidance please contact the Bi-borough School Health Service in the first instance

Bi-Borough School Health Service Contact Details:

Website:   Duty line: 020 3317 4460

Westminster: [email protected]

Kensington & Chelsea: [email protected]


All children within a school or educational setting should be provided with a specifically written healthcare plan supplied by their acute managing hospital. This team can be identified by asking parents/guardian for a clinic letter that will have been sent to the school.

The Bi-Borough School Health Service can support review of care plans and offer awareness sessions to schools on request.  A child has a specialist need will be supported by the specialist team in St Mary’s Hospital.

 The Specialist Diabetes nurse at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust is able to offer general diabetes training for CYP within RKBC / WCC schools and for professionals working with children.

The Imperial College Diabetes team also offer bespoke training based on the family's and school's needs. All Children’s schools, on diagnosis or moving to a new school, will be offered face to face (or sometimes virtual) training and an individualised care plan. They will support additional training for any issues which arise - either face to face or virtual.

The Imperial College Diabetes team invite all schools via a central contact to a school education virtual sessions which occur 6-8 times per year (based on the last 2 years). These sessions last 3.5 hours and gives an overview of what is needed to keep children safe in school; including carb counting and videos showing the practical elements.

 Care plans should be updated annually, and these are done at the request of schools.

 For further advice and guidance please contact the Bi-borough School Health Service in the first instance

The Imperial College Children and Young People's Diabetes Team Contact Details:

Telephone: 020 3312 6482

Email:  [email protected]

The St Mary’s Children and Young People’s Diabetes Team Contact Details:

Telephone: 020 3312 6482   E-mail: [email protected]


For CYP with epilepsy, parents / carers need to provide the educational setting with a letter or epilepsy passport from the paediatrician confirming the diagnosis. This should include information on triggers and seizure types, prescribed anti-epileptic drugs and guidance for administration of emergency medication. This information can be transcribed into a Health Care Plan, which the Epilepsy Specialist Nurse or Bi-Borough School Health Service can assist with, if the CYP is attending a school or other educational setting. The Epilepsy Specialist Nurse can complete a Health Care Plan for CYP not attending school if required.

Bi-borough School Health Services also offer yearly epilepsy awareness sessions to all local state funded schools in the area.

If the child / young person attends a special school, training will be provided for all relevant staff on site, by the Special School Nurse or by the Bi-borough School Health Service as appropriate. 

For children requiring emergency rescue medication such as Buccal Midazolam the Epilepsy Specialist Nurse can arrange training. All identified staff supporting the CYP in school should undertake general ‘Epilepsy awareness’ and ‘Emergency management of a seizure’ training. Online training for education settings can be accessed through these links:

 The Specialist Epilepsy Nurse can also oversee the support for CYP and their networks, by supporting the community paediatricians during diagnosis and investigations, management and care planning, review and transition.


For further advice and guidance please contact the Specialist Epilepsy Nurse:

The Chelsea & Westminster Epilepsy Clinical Nurse Specialist is:

Trisha Clews Telephone:  020 3315 8000 /  020 3315 3197 / 020 3315 3326 / Email:  [email protected]


St Mary’s Hospital Clinical Nurse Specialist is:

Christina Korley Telephone:  020 8312 6914  Email:  [email protected]

Haemoglobinopathy (Sickle Cell Disease or Thalassaemia Major)

The Specialist Haemoglobinopathy nurse works in conjunction with the North West London Haemoglobinopathy Network to support children and their families manage their health condition in the community, by providing regular home visits, individual school healthcare plans in and training to schools and primary care staff.

Referrals to the service are accepted from the National New-born Screening Programme, self-referral from a parent/ carer, primary care, health & allied professionals. Further information can be obtained from

Sickle Cell Society - Supporting People Affected by Sickle Cell Disorder

Crizanlizumab – A Simple Guide. For the first time in over 20 years, a new treatment for sickle cell has been made available on the NHS. Crizanlizumab will be made available on the NHS under a Managed Access Agreement (MAA), following the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence’s (NICE) recommendation of crizanlizumab as an option for preventing recurrent sickle cell crises.


For further advice and guidance please contact the Specialist Haemoglobinopathy Nurse: [email protected]


Speech and Language Therapists support children and young people (CYP) up to the age of 18 who have difficulties with eating and drinking e.g. chewing, difficulty progressing through textures or signs the CYP may have difficulty swallowing (e.g. coughing when drinking, recurrent chest infections). We do not see CYP who are fussy eaters or who have sensory issues around eating and drinking. For children who present with these difficulties (for example, accepting of specific brands, colours or textures of food only, intolerance of foods mixing/touching on the plate), consider referral to Occupational Therapy (for input regarding sensory issues) and/or clinical psychology or CAMHS (support regarding behaviour).

This service is for CYP who have eating drinking and swallowing difficulties with GPs within the inner London boroughs of Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster. We also provide a service to all CYP with dysphagia attending QEII School (up to the age of 19) regardless of home borough/GP.

The service operates an open referral system (referrals can be made by parents and carers, healthcare professionals, education colleagues and social services). A dysphagia service referral form is available here and should be sent to [email protected] :

We aim to see referrals within 2-4 weeks depending on the urgency of the referral. We offer appointments during standard working hours, the first appointment will most likely to take place in clinic or at the CYP’s school. We also offer some appointments at home or virtually where needed.

Follow up appointments will be made if it is felt the CYP would benefit from further advice and intervention to keep them safe when eating and drinking. We will set goals of what to work on and share strategies with the CYP’s parents/carers and school staff to support identified needs. A report and care plan with specific recommendations and strategies may be written and shared with key people caring for and working with the CYP. Referrals to other specialities may be recommended and discussed, for example Videofluoroscopy, Ear Nose and Throat, Respiratory, Gastroenterology or Dietetics.

We offer training to school staff to support the safe management of children with eating, drinking and swallowing needs in schools as well as individualised training to carry out eating, drinking and swallowing care plans. 

Information can also be found in this service leaflet:

For specific queries, please contact [email protected]

Any other conditions

Where children are receiving care under a specialist hospital, the treating professional should produce a Health Care Plan.  Guidance is often provided in the form of a letter.  Schools may require support in interpreting information contained in letters. 

In mainstream schools, Public Health School nurses should be approached for support. 

In special schools, the Special School Nurse (SSN) should be approached for support. 

Parents are responsible for ensuring the school team is kept up to date with any changes to care need and provide the most up to date letter. 

If you would like to discuss or clarify any of the above please contact the School Health Service or the Special School Nurses (under the Children’s Community Nursing team) as appropriate.  

Bi-Borough School Health Service Contact Details:

Website:   Duty line: 020 3317 4460

Westminster: [email protected]

Kensington & Chelsea: [email protected]

Children’s Community Nursing Service Contact Details:

Telephone: 020 7266 8777   E-mail: [email protected]

Related Advice

  1. What happens if a child/young person is missing school due to illness?


  1. Supporting Children with Medical Conditions in Schools

Page last reviewed: 18/05/2024

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