What is an EHCP? (Education, Health and Care Plan)


What is an EHCP (Education, Health and Care plan)

This is legal document which is a collaborative working document between the family, health, education and social care professionals. The child will have SEND whether with a diagnosis or without. These maybe health or education related and are often a combination of both. A child with an EHCP will need significant adaptions and/or support within the setting to ensure they are able to make a good level of progress and are not held back by their SEND. The EHCP allows the setting to access additional funding for the child and the amounts are individual according to the child’s needs. EHCPs are reviewed regularly to ensure the level of funding and support remains appropriate,

It highlights the child strengths and needs as well as aspirations and intended outcomes for that child. The document shows what support the child needs in order for them to reach their full potential.

For more detailed information about the EHCP process, please have a look at the following sections:

EHCNA request form

EHC timeline

Should you have any queries, please contact the Early Years Advisory Team

Page last reviewed: 14/06/2024

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