Your feedback, and our responses, about the SEND Local Offer 2019


Every year, the local authority publishes feedback from users of our SEND Local Offer website. We also set out how we have addressed, or plan to address, the issues raised. All feedback we receive is used to make the website more helpful and easy to use. 

The following comments reflect the feedback given by young people with SEND and their families during the year 2019. 

Select a comment below to see how we will use the feedback provided:

We would like it to be clearer how our views are influencing the site.

We have implemented the SEND Local Offer Steering Group, which is jointly chaired by parent representatives from Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea, who are also Local Offer Champions. This group is owned and driven by parents - they set the agenda and hold the local area to account for actions that are agreed.

We've seen some really good examples of Local Offer homepage - both how it looks and how it works.

We have worked together with parents on our Local Offer Steering Group to make changes to the Local Offer homepage - introducing a default filter by age, clearer news items and greater prominence of information for parents. As of March 2020, this work is ongoing, with continual improvements being made.

We would like to have more routes to provide feedback.

In addition to feedback forms for records, and the Local Offer Steering Group, we have introduced a Local Offer Survey, which is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The outcomes are reviewed quarterly and inform further actions.

We would like less blocks of text and more pictures / videos

We have worked to introduce more video content across the site - focussing on the main landing pages in the first instance, so that there is more general information availabe by video in the first instance. 

We have also introduced artwork produced by children and young people with SEND to illustrate certain pages. This was via a Local Offer art competition.

Feedback from local offer survey indicates that "Short Breaks" and "Preparing for Adulthood" pages need to be more attractive and accessible.

We have undertaken a full review of both landing pages and linked information. Introducing simpler, more accessible navigation and more videos and images.

We would like a dedicated area for information for parents

We co-designed and launched the 'Parent Zone', which we are continung to build upon.

Page last reviewed: 29/03/2023

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