Tenancy Agreement Conditions
Thank you to everyone who shared their views, suggestions and concerns with us on the proposed changes to the tenancy agreement.
Consultation findings
The informal consultation period closed on 1 June 2021, and we have now collated the survey results. These showed the majority of tenants who completed the survey were supportive of the proposal.
To what extent do you support proposed changes to the Tenancy Agreement?
- Strongly support 26 per cent
- Somewhat support 40 per cent
- Not sure 20 per cent
- Somewhat oppose 4 per cent
- Strongly oppose 9 per cent
Whilst the survey results demonstrated support for the changes, during some of our feedback sessions we heard from residents who said they did not fully understand the proposed changes and had concerns it would affect their security of tenancy. Others were strongly opposed to some of the finer detail in the proposal.
Next steps
To ensure that we take on board all the feedback we have received, we have taken steps to further refine the proposed changes and work with residents who still have worries and concerns. This includes appointing an independent facilitator to work with a group of interested tenants over a period of six months, to look in detail at the existing tenancy agreement, the proposed changes, and the results of the consultation.
We want to work collaboratively with tenants on finalising any changes we make. The independent facilitator we have appointed is Tpas, who are leading tenant engagement experts that promote, support and champion tenant involvement and empowerment in social housing across England. To be a part of our working group with Tpas, please get in touch using the contact details below.
This group is open to all Council tenants.
Contact us
Call us on 0800 137 111 or email [email protected].