Healthy Living

NHS One You

Making better choices today can have a big impact on your health. One You is here to help you get healthier and feel better with free tips, tools and support. Whether it’s moving more, eating more healthily or checking yourself, One You can help you make small, practical changes that fit in with your life.

Visit the One You website for more information.

Get healthier and happier

See NHS Change 4 Life for tips on how to make you and your family healthier and happier. The website includes tips and recipes for healthy eating, and advice on how and where you can get active.

New Change 4 Life Sugar Smart app

Change 4 Life Sugar app

The Change 4 Life Sugar Smart App is a useful tool to help reveal how much sugar is contained in your everyday food

Keeping active and healthy

Evidence shows that there is a clear link between physical activity and health and wellbeing. Most people are not getting the amount of activity they need to stay healthy with only 1 in 20 people doing the right kind of activity they need each week. Sitting down for hours, either at work, watching TV or playing computer games, can also increase the risk of poor health.

Building activity into your day keeps your heart healthy, reduces your risk of serious illness and strengthens muscles and bones. It can also be a great way of reducing your stress levels and lifting your mood if you’re feeling down.

Being active means getting your heart rate up, feeling warmer (perhaps even breaking into a light sweat) and making your lungs work harder. For adults that means being active for at least 150 minutes each week, and  kids aged 5 to 16 need to be active for at least 60 minutes each day. But don’t worry, every 10 minutes counts!


More information on health and activity

If you are worried about your health and want to learn how to manage your weight or get fit, one of our special programmes could help. Find out more about GP referrals.


Last updated: 10 May 2022