Change your payment details

If you need to change your payment details

You will need to tell us the following:

  • your current Kensington and Chelsea address, including postcode
  • your current Council Tax account reference number
  • how you will pay your Council Tax
  • your bank account details

Before you start:

Your personal information provided on this form will be used in accordance with Council's Fair Processing Notice.

The online form will generally take you between 3-5 minutes to complete. If you need to go back to a previous page, please use the "Previous" button within the form as the web browser’s “Back” button may not work. Please ensure the details you enter are correct as documented in your most recent Council Tax bill, if applicable. By selecting the "Submit" button at the end of the form you are confirming that the information you have provided is accurate and to the best of your knowledge.

What happens next:

You will automatically be issued a new bill with your chosen payment method. Please note, if you have selected a new Direct Debit date for an instalment that’s due within the next 14 days we will not be able to request this instalment from your bank. Your bill will be recalculated to start the following month and could result in higher instalment amounts as you will have fewer instalment dates to pay your charge.

Please call us on 020 7361 3005 between 8.30am and 5.30pm, Monday to Friday to discuss this further. 

Change your payment details

Last updated: 24 May 2024