Discounts, reductions and exemptions


Council tax empty properties

Information about empty properties which still have to pay council tax in full and details on the empty property premium charge.

Part-time students

Council tax information for part-time students

Halls of residence

Council tax information for halls of residence

Foreign students with an overseas partner or dependent

Council tax information for foreign students with an overseas partner or dependent

Empty home while you’re away studying

Council tax information for an empty home while you’re away studying

If you are a Care Leaver

Council tax information if you are a Care Leaver

People that are not counted for Council Tax

People that are not counted for Council Tax

Properties exempt from Council Tax

Properties exempt from Council Tax

Disabled Relief Scheme

Disabled Relief Scheme for Council Tax

Student only households and people who live with students

Council tax information for student only households and people who live with students

Council Tax Single Person Discount Review

Information about the Council Tax Single Person Discount Review and what you need to do.

Apply for Council Tax Reduction

The Council Tax Reduction scheme helps people on low income with their Council Tax bills.

Council Tax Reduction scheme

A new Council Tax Reduction scheme for 2021.

Apply for or cancel a Single Person Discount

Information on Single Person Discount for council tax