The Professional Standards Framework for Teachers

Background and introduction

New teachers' standards were introduced from 1 September 2012. The standards set a clear baseline of expectations for the professional practice and conduct of teachers, from the point of qualification. They replace the existing Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and Core standards, and the GTCE’s Code of Conduct and Practice for Registered Teachers in England.

The teachers’ standards will be used to assess all trainees working towards QTS, and all those completing their statutory induction period. They will also be used to assess the performance of all teachers subject to the Education (School Teachers’ Appraisal) (England) Regulations 2012.

The standards were developed by an independent review group comprising leading head teachers, teachers and educational specialists, led by Sally Coates, principal at Burlington Danes Academy in Hammersmith and Fulham. Further information about the review, including its reports can be found on the DfE’s  teachers’ standards review webpage

Download the full Teachers’ Standards here  [PDF] (file size 81Kb)

The following contain information to help schools implement the new teachers’ standards from September:

Other professional standards

The review body that proposed the introduction of the Teachers’ Standards (which have replaced the QTS and Core Standards), have also proposed the introduction of the ‘Master Teacher’ standard, which the Secretary of State has agreed in principle. Further detailed consideration will be given to how this might be implemented in future. 

The proposed Master Teacher standard has been designed to set out a clear and rigorous statement of what it means to be an excellent teacher at the top of the profession. It has been built on the foundation of the teachers’ standards, and is intended to provide an aspirational statement which all teachers can strive towards.

Meanwhile, although it has been recommended that the existing Threshold, Excellent Teacher and Advanced Skills Teacher standards be discontinued, they will continue to apply for the time being (download these standards below). The Secretary of State will determine any changes to the existing provision based on recommendations from the School Teachers’ Review Body.


How the standards will be used

The standards clarify the professional characteristics that a teacher should be expected to maintain and to build on in their current career stage. After the induction year, teachers would be expected to continue to meet the teachers’ standards and to broaden and deepen their professional attributes, knowledge, understanding and skills within that context.

The new teachers’ standards are presented as separate headings, each of which is accompanied by a number of bulleted sub-headings. The bullets are an integral part of the standards, designed to amplify the scope of each heading. They should not be interpreted as separate standards in their own right, but used by those assessing teachers to track progress against the standard, to determine areas where additional development might need to be observed, or to identify areas where teachers are already demonstrating excellent practice.

Download the full Teachers’ Standards here  [PDF] (file size 81Kb)

Further Guidance for Induction

A guide has been produced by a working party from the London Induction Coordinators Group (LICG), which may assist schools in interpreting the new standards in relation to NQT induction. To help NQTs reflect on their practice and identify any monitoring, support or professional development needs, the guide includes some questions designed to act as prompts for discussion with the induction tutor or other colleagues involved in supporting and monitoring an NQT.

The guide sets out some aspects of practice that the standards might include. It is not intended to be a checklist of what NQTs must do or know to meet each standard or criterion for assessment.

Guidance for Schools on the New Teaching Standards September 2012 [PDF] (file size 246KB)

Under normal circumstances, a teacher’s work and ongoing professional dialogue as part of a monitoring and support programme will provide evidence in relation to meeting the standards. NQTs will not be expected to maintain an additional evidence base.

Last updated: 29 November 2019