Newly Qualified Teachers

Guidance and information on Newly Qualified Teacher induction within Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster City Council

All schools should provide organised programmes of school-based support to help newly qualified teachers (NQTs) meet the challenges of their first teaching post and demonstrate the required professional standards for teachers.

Eligible NQTs should be registered with an Appropriate Body by the employing school and undertake a formal programme of newly qualified teacher induction. NQTs should be assigned to an experienced teacher with QTS who will act as their induction tutor, or mentor, and this teacher will meet with them regularly to support and monitor their progress.

The Appropriate Body

Schools and settings approved for induction may register with either of the sovereign local authorities of Kensington and Chelsea, or Westminster to act as the Appropriate Body (AB) for NQT Induction, opting for the level of service required.

The range of services available include:

  • the statutory induction service 
  • coaching or other tailored support
  • NQT welcome events
  • induction tutor training events
  • NQT and induction tutor network forums
  • guidance documents and a range of induction tools and templates to support induction.

For more information, contact [email protected].

Both Kensington and Chelsea, and Westminster City Council can act as Appropriate Body for maintained and non-maintained schools that meet the criteria for institutions where NQT induction may be served.

All NQTs must be registered with an Appropriate Body (a NQT's eligibility and the suitability of their post must be approved in advance) before induction can officially begin.

The Appropriate Body has the main responsibility for quality assurance for induction, and to ensure that schools fulfil their duties in relation to induction. Schools should have robust processes in place in order to meet their responsibilities for induction. The Appropriate Body will offer guidance, support and assistance to schools including induction tutor training, according to available resources.

The Appropriate Body makes the final decision as to whether the NQT has achieved the standards required, and has accordingly satisfactorily completed the induction period, drawing on the recommendation of the headteacher/ principal.

In order to undertake induction and meet the relevant Teaching Standards, a NQT must be employed for at least one term, and in a role which will allow them to demonstrate the required knowledge and professional skills.

The duration of the statutory induction period is currently three terms (this will change for new NQT starters in September 2021 with the introduction of the Early Career Framework and the new two year induction). A reduced induction may be possible in particular circumstances, usually only considered where there is substantial and relevant experience, and must be agreed by the Appropriate Body in advance of induction commencing.

To register an NQT for induction, or if you have any questions about the registration process or would like a copy of the NQT Service Level Agreement (SLA), please contact [email protected].

Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)

NQTs must have been awarded QTS to be eligible for induction. Schools should check an NQT’s eligibility for induction, together with relevant employment and qualification checks on appointment. This will be confirmed through the registration process.

For more information about obtaining Teacher Reference Numbers (TRNs) please contact the Teacher Regulation Agency, email the TRA at [email protected] or call 0207 593 5394.

Register NQT for Induction

All NQTs should be registered on the NQT Manager website, the secure on-line NQT registration and reporting system. There are step by step user guides on the site, and a helpdesk available for technical queries during business hours.

To register an NQT for induction, a school or institution’s details must first be recorded on the NQT Manager system.

School registered but login details are forgotten

If a username and/or password has been issued but forgotten, go to NQT Manager and from the list of Authorities, select the Appropriate Body name (either the Kensington and Chelsea, or Westminster City Council).

Select the ‘send me my log in details’ option which will require you to select your school from the drop down list, your school role, and possibly your last name.

Finally, select ‘send username and password’, and these will be sent to the email address registered on the NQT manager system.

Not registered on NQT Manager

If the school is not registered, or username and password have not been issued to the Headteacher, NQT Coordinator or School Business Manager (or other nominated administrator), contact [email protected] indicating that you wish to register an NQT, providing the following details:

  • School/institution name
  • address
  • contact details
  • headteacher name
  • NQT coordinator
  • and main school administrator contact.

The local authority will review the registration and authorise NQT for induction, or will request further information, arranging a ‘suitability for induction visit’ for new schools if required.

To find out more or to book NQT Induction services visit the Services to School website.

NQT Service Level Agreement

By registering an NQT for induction with either Kensington and Chelsea or Westminster City Council, schools agree to the terms and conditions of the relevant NQT Service Level Agreement which is available on request.

To purchase either the statutory induction service or to book any training events, your school will need to be registered on the Services to Schools website. Please contact [email protected] to register.

Last updated: 27 January 2021