How the Council buys goods and services

The Council's procurement policy aims to provide a consistent basis for the procurement of goods, services, and construction works across the Council. It is based on good practice and takes account of the Best Value Recommendations in the Government’s review of local government procurement published in 2001.

The Royal Borough spends approximately £245 million annually on goods and services, and must ensure that the money it receives from taxpayers is used as carefully as possible and that it achieves the best value for money. Purchasing using fair and effective competition among suppliers is seen as the best means of ensuring this outcome. A significant proportion of the Council’s spending is, therefore, under contracts that have been subject to reasonable competition.

The Council also makes use of contracts awarded by other bodies on behalf of public authorities, such as London Contracts and Supplies Group. However, opportunities to tender for contracts are publicised via capitalEsourcing.

To be a successful supplier to the Council a supplier must:

  • be alert and active in seeking sales opportunities
  • be able to compete with other firms
  • be able to complete contracts on time and to the required standard
  • have a sound financial and commercial reputation
  • have a good track record in complying with equalities legislation
  • be able to familiarise itself with the Council’s purchasing procedures

This guide will outline how business can take advantage of opportunities to work with the Council to provide essential goods and services. Fair and effective competition means that the Council is not allowed to apply preferential treatment to local business. Merely complying with the information requested by the Council on this site and elsewhere does not guarantee the award of any contract.

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Visit capitalEsourcing to find opportunities to tender for contracts with the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and other London boroughs.

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Supply Cross River 2 provides access contract opportunities from major construction projects and large buyers from across London.

Last updated: 29 November 2019