
About the service

Respond is a national charity providing therapy and specialist support services to people with learning disabilities, autism or both who have experienced abuse, violence or trauma.

Respond provides a range of trauma-informed services for children, young people, adults and professionals. These include psychotherapy, advocacy, campaigning and other support services which aim to prevent abuse and equip individuals and their families to come to terms with their experiences and live more positive lives.

Respond also provides specialist training, supervision, reflective practice and consultancy to equip agencies and providers in developing and delivering trauma-informed services.


How to access the service

For general referrals fill in form by accessing and return the form to [email protected].

For one to one support and advocacy to young women (13-25) with a earning disability, autism or both who have experienced any form of gender-based violence fill in the form.

Find more contact details below.


Contact details

Email: [email protected] (general referrals)
[email protected](one-to-one support and advocacy to young women (13-25) with a learning disability, autism or both who have experienced any form of gender-based violence)

Telephone: 020 7383 0700 (General enquiries)
020 7380 8257 or 07821 578190 (Domestic abuse and Independent Sexual Violence Advocacy services)
020 7380 8257 (CouRAGEus: A New Service for Young Women and Girls one-to-one support)

Visit the Respond website