Wornington Green Estate Trees

Wornington Green Estate redevelopment

The Council granted planning permission for the redevelopment of the Wornington Green Estate. The redevelopment of the estate by Catalyst Housing Group has been ongoing for the past decade. 

In response to local residents’ concerns about tree removal and planting on the estate as part of the redevelopment, the Council asked Catalyst to provide responses to questions asked by residents which you can find in the frequently asked questions (FAQs) below.

About the project

Planning permission for the removal and planting of trees

86 mature trees on the estate were subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) made in the mid-1990s. The TPO recognised the group value of the trees rather than any value in individual trees. 

In March 2006 an options appraisal by Kensington Housing Trust concluded that complete redevelopment of the Wornington Green Estate was the only realistic option to ensure delivery of improved housing.

In 2010 and 2014 planning permission was granted by the Council for redevelopment of the estate. Documents for these permissions can be viewed below.

Original permission ref. PP/09/02876

Amended permission ref. PP/13/04516

The Council’s decision to grant planning permission included consideration of the impact on trees and permission was given for the removal of a large number of trees, as well as new tree planting, on a phased basis to facilitate the development. TPOs are part of planning law. The Council’s decision to grant planning permission for this development which included removal of trees overrides any protection offered by the TPO against any tree works, including felling.

In 2012 Catalyst Housing Group commenced demolition of the Phase 1 area of the estate.  

Resident Petition

Planning permission exists for the removal of 42 trees in the Phase 2 area as part of the redevelopment.

Towards the end of 2020 the Council received a petition from residents of the Wornington Green Estate asking the Council to stop Catalyst felling 42 trees in Phase 2, planned to be felled by end of January 2021, and to consult more fully with residents and the local community over the regeneration designs. 

This led to this matter being discussed at the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC) on 17 December 2020. You can view documents from the meeting online.

The OSC asked Catalyst to work with the Council to revisit their plans to fell 37 trees (reduced from 42 trees permitted for removal) within Phase 2, in favour of retaining more trees or further mitigating their loss.

Despite the planning permission that allows the redevelopment to proceed, and in response to the significant concerns raised by residents about tree removal, the Council asked Catalyst to revisit their plans to remove trees and to explore the retention of trees on the estate or further mitigate their loss. Such exploration has been lengthy and even included the relocation of some trees, though ultimately this was not possible to undertake. 

Phase 2 Tree Removal

In early March 2021, Catalyst removed 33 trees from the Phase 2 area, in line with the planning permission.

There are a further 7 trees in temporary Athlone Gardens which are scheduled for removal. 5 of these 7 trees (3 x cherry and 2 x silver birch) are located in a dog agility area and the other 2 trees (2 x cherry) are about 10m away from the dog agility area. The removal of the 7 trees would facilitate the construction of a new building and a road, that are also included within the planning permission.

Removal of the 7 trees in temporary Athlone Gardens has been paused whilst the area is still being used as a park. The term “temporary” is used because Athlone Gardens formerly occupied the area of the completed Phase 1 of the redevelopment, and the permanent new park will be delivered later in Catalyst’s programme of works. The permanent position of the new Athlone Gardens does not include the area of land where the 7 trees in temporary Athlone Gardens are planted.

In respect of the 7 trees in temporary Athlone Gardens, unfortunately, feasible alternatives have not been found, and reluctantly, the Council has concluded that options for saving them have been exhausted. For the Council to instruct Catalyst to cease works that they are carrying out in accordance with the planning permission would undermine the legitimacy of that permission.

In the Phase 2 area, 42 trees were permitted for removal. In response to the significant concerns raised by residents about tree removal and subsequent discussions with the Council, a total of 40 trees will be removed (33 trees have already been removed, with a further 7 trees scheduled for removal later this year). 

Phase 3

In acknowledgement of local concern about tree removal in Phase 2, and the Council’s clear request to address community concern about trees removal from the estate despite having permission for removal, Catalyst has been reviewing the proposals for Phase 3 to identify options for further tree retention through a revised design.

The Council has asked Catalyst to keep residents informed about their proposals for the remainder of the redevelopment. Catalyst can be contacted by:

Email: [email protected] Phone: 020 3900 3676


The Council remains committed to ensuring the retention of trees, where feasible, for the remainder of the redevelopment of the estate (Phase 3), and these conversations with Catalyst are ongoing.


Response from Catalyst

Catalyst provided an update on Phase 2 tree removal in:

22 January 2021 26 February 2021


In May 2021 Catalyst provided a further update about tree removal and planting

In March 2021 the Council asked Catalyst to provide responses to questions asked by residents about trees on the estate.

In May 2021 Catalyst responded to these questions (see FAQs below), though there are some maps, records and data they do not hold and would not usually hold as part of their development delivery programme that started over 10 years ago.





How many trees existed on the estate prior to any re-development beginning on site?  As a site-wide total and breakdown per phase area (Phases 1, 2 and 3)

There were 191 trees of varying types, sizes, and quality on Wornington Green Estate prior to the start of the regeneration. According to the current project phasing, they were split as follows: 

Phase Number of previously existing trees
1 79
2a 5
2b 59
3 48
Total 191

Removed trees

How many trees on the estate have been removed since works began on site (i.e. from Phase 1 to present)?

The table below provides the number of trees that were proposed for removal in the 2010 approval. This has been split according to the new phasing boundaries.

Phase Trees Removed
1 65
2a 3*
2b 58
3 41
Total 167

*A section 73 application was granted in 2014 for 2 additional trees in Phase 2a to be removed in addition to those listed above, bringing the total to 169.

The table above is not reflective of the sequencing of all tree removal to date. For example in 2018, 17 trees were removed from the boundaries of Phases 2b and 3 to enable the road realignment to create Murchison Gardens.

The table above refers to only those trees that were planned to be removed due to the regeneration. Trees will also have been removed (and planted) over the years as part of the general estate management. This could be for reasons of health and safety, subsidence or health of the tree. Not all of the trees in the table above have been removed to date.

Provide an up to date plan which identifies the locations of all trees removed from the estate so far (i.e. from Phase 1 to present).

We do not have this information collated in a single plan of the entire scheme. This is because not all trees on the estate will have been removed as a result of the regeneration but, as mentioned above, also for reasons associated with ongoing estate management. 

Provide a schedule of the trees removed since works began on site (i.e. from Phase 1 to present), to include species, size and maturity.

The ‘Existing Tree Conditions & Tree Retention Strategy’ from 2010 provides the information we had at the time of planning approval relating to tree species, size and maturity. While this will give an indication of the type of trees that will have been removed as part of the regeneration works, it has not been updated over the years to account for changes in tree size and maturity, or the changes to numbers of trees that result from tree management on the estate over time.

Confirm the number of trees already removed and yet to be removed in Phase 2

In Phase 2b 8 trees are yet to be removed. These trees will be removed once part 2 of the Athlone Gardens park works have been completed.

Confirm the number of trees proposed to be removed in Phase 3.

In the original 2010 approval tree plan for Phase 3, 41 trees were identified for removal and 7 to be retained. We also planned to plant 19 new trees. 

In our updated plans for Phase 3, we plan to remove 33 trees and retain 11 trees. These numbers are based on an updated tree survey for Phase 3 that gives an accurate picture of what is there today. We will also plant 41 new trees (not including the 13 new trees that are within the boundary of Phase 3, but will be delivered as part of Phase 2b).

How does the timescale for tree removal in Phase 2 fit with the programme of redevelopment in this phase?

The recent removal of 43 trees on Phase 2b was planned to be completed prior to nesting season (end of 1st week in March 2021). While 35 of these trees have been removed, 8 are still in place in Athlone Gardens. We have decided to remove these once the site can be fully hoarded, in order to ensure the safety of the public. These trees will be removed once part 2 of the Athlone Gardens park works have been completed. Additional trees that are part of the Phase 2b boundary were removed in earlier regeneration works including the road realignment to create Murchison Gardens in 2018. 

We first informed the project’s Residents Steering Group about the tree removal in October 2020, before sending out a letter to all estate residents and neighbours living around the trees in November 2020. Now that the majority of the trees have been removed, we can move forward with the required demolition works, which are due to commence this summer.

New trees

How many trees have been planted on the redeveloped estate since works began on site (i.e. from Phase 1 to present)?

The table below provides the number of trees that were proposed to be planted in Phases 1 and 2a as part of the 2010 approval:

Phase New trees planted
1 38
2a 3

9 of those trees in Phase 1 were proposed for planting in Athlone Gardens. 

This table does not include trees that may have been planted as part of general estate management and maintenance. 

Following the 2010 approval we actually went on to plant many more trees (as detailed in the answer to Q.12 below). In total we planted 44 trees in the public realm and 58 in private gardens. This brings the total number of trees planted in Phases 1 and 2a to 102. 

Provide an up to date plan which identifies the locations of all trees on the redeveloped estate planted so far (i.e. from Phase 1 to present)

The “2010 plan with new phase overlay shows the location of the trees that were proposed to be planted in Phases 1 and 2a.

Provide a schedule of the trees planted since works began on site (i.e. from Phase 1 to present), to include species, size and maturity

The table below details the number, location, species and size of trees planted in Phases 1 and 2a. Maturity information is not available: 

Phase Public or Private realm Species Size New trees planted
1 Private Amelanchier lamarkii Min 3m tall R.B. Multistem 8
1 Private Crataaegus monogyna 'Compacta' 20-25cm girth RB Min 4.5m tall. Clear stemmed to min 2m. Transplanted 3x 6
1 Private Olea europaea for containers 10-12cm girth, 2-2.5m tall 30-35L 9
1 Private Prunus Autumnalis 18-20cm girth, RB, Min 4.5m tall, Clear stemmed to 2m, Transplanted 3x 2
1 Private Sorbus aucuparia 20-25cm girth RB Min 4.5m tall. Clear stemmed to min 2m. Transplanted 3x 3
1 Public Pyruscalleryanachanticleer - trees in hard landscape, Wornington Rd. 20-25cm girth RB Min 4.5m tall. Clear stemmed to min 2m. Transplanted 3x 3
1 Public Crataaegus monogyna 'Stricta' 20-25cm girth RB Min 4.5m tall. Clear stemmed to min 2m. Transplanted 3x 6
1 Public Platanus x hispanica 20-25cm girth RB. Clear stemmed to min 2m. Transplanted 3x 3
1 Public Amelanchier lamarkii Min 2m tall R.B. Multistem 5
1 Public Fraxinusexcelsior - trees in hard landscape, Wornington Rd. 20-25cmgirthC.G.4.25-6Mtall.Clearstemmedtomin1.75m.Transplanted3x 3
1 Public Prunus 'Accolade' 12-14cm girth, RB, 3.50-4.25m tall, Clear stemmed to min 1.75-2m, Min 5 breaks, Transplanted 3x. Allow for two stakes & crossbar not underground guyed as all other trees 10
1 Public Sorbus aria 18-20cmRB4.5-6.25mtall.Clearstemmedtomin2m.Branchedmin5x. Transplanted 3x. 4
1 Public Sorbus aucuparia 18-20cmRB4.5-6.25mtall.Clearstemmedtomin2m.Branchedmin5x. Transplanted 3x. 7
1 Private Amelanchier lamarkii Min 3m tall R.B. Multistem 7
1 Private Crataaegus monogyna 'Compacta' 20-25cm girth RB Min 4.5m tall. Clear stemmed to min 2m. Transplanted 3x 4
1 Private Olea europaea 14-16cm girth, 85L 12
1 Public Olea europaea for containers 10-12cm girth, 2-2.5m tall 30-35L 3
1 Private Prunus Autumnalis 18-20cm girth, RB, Min 4.5m tall, Clear stemmed to 2m, Transplanted 3x 1
1 Private Sorbus aucuparia 20-25cm girth RB Min 4.5m tall. Clear stemmed to min 2m. Transplanted 3x 3
2a Public Pyrus Calleryana 20 - 25cm girth, RB, min 4.50 tall. Clear stemmed to min 2m. Branched min 5x. Transplanted 4x. Container grown option: 150L pot, 20-25cm girth, from Barcham Trees 3
Provide a schedule of trees yet to be planted on the redeveloped estate (i.e. from present to end of Phase 3), to include species, size and maturity.

In total 69 new trees will be planted in Phase 2b. This includes 13 trees that will be included in the Phase 3 planning application but would be delivered as part of the Phase 2B works. 

In Phase 3 we plan to plant 41 new trees (excluding the 13 trees that will be included in the Phase 3 planning application but delivered as part of Phase 2b). 

In Phase 2b the proposed species are:

Acer campestre Sorbus aucuparia ‘Streetwise’ Pyrus Calleryana ‘Chanticleer’ Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Sweet Gum’ Betula Pendula


Tree Type Number Location
Pin Oak 1 Public Square
Sweet Cherry 7 Road/Street
Persian Ironwood 2 Courtyard
Downy Serviceberry 4 Road/Street
Silver Birch 9 Adventure Playground
Silver Birch 1 Courtyard
Callery Pear 10 Road/Street
Common Plum 2 Adventure Playground
Common Fig 2 Adventure Playground
European Crab Apple 2 Adventure Playground
Crab Apple 1 Adventure Playground

At this stage the size and maturity of new trees is still being finalised, but we do not intend to plant saplings. 

Following discussions with officers at the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea we understand London Planes trees are not considered appropriate to include within the public realm.

The specific species and their location will be determined through the planning discharge of conditions process.

In Phase 3 the following species are proposed:


Confirm the number of trees that will be planted in Phase 2.

Information for Phase 2a is included in response to Q.10, however, on Phase 2b we are obligated to plant a minimum of 12 tree but our current proposals will see us plant 69 trees as well as retain 2 additional existing trees.

How many of the trees already planted on the redeveloped estate are located in the public realm?

The table below summarises the location of the trees already planted on the redeveloped estate as part of the redevelopment. It does not include other trees that may have been planted on the estate as part of general estate management. 

Phase Public Realm Private Gardens Total
1 41 58 99
2a 3 0 3
Total 44 58
How many of the trees yet to be planted on the redeveloped estate will be located in the public realm?

The table below summarises the proposed location of trees yet to be planted on the redeveloped estate:

Phase Public Realm Adventure Playground Private Gardens Total
2b 22 0 47 69
3 25 16 0 41
Total 47 16
What is the net number of trees compared to pre-development?

The table below summarises the net number of trees compared to pre-development. This is based on:

The 2010 survey of the number of trees in Phases 1, 2a and 2b pre-development.  The current number of trees in Phase 3 based on an up to date survey.  The addition of two trees that were also approved in 2014 for removal in Phase 2a.  The number of trees that were planted in Phases 1a and 2a. The number of trees proposed to be planted in Phases 2b and 3. 


This table does not include trees that may have been removed or planted as part of general estate management.

Phase Removed Retained New Net Position
1 65 14 99 48
2a 5 2 3 0
2b 58 3 69 14
3 33 11 41 19
Total 161 30 212 81

This does however include 14 trees planned to be planted, 15 trees removed, and 6 trees retained in Athlone Gardens. The tree proposals for the park are to be determined by RBKC through a separate consultation.

Catalyst provided a further update about tree removal and planting in May 2021.

Last updated: 29 October 2021