Street trading enforcement teams

About street trading enforcement teams

Our street trading enforcement teams are made up of enforcement officers from all areas of the council. They are supported by the Metropolitan Police.

They detect and enforce illegal street trading activities, including illegal sale of alcohol.

The Parks Police and officers from Environmental Health and Trading Standards support our teams. The enforcement teams will operate from 6am to midnight with a team also on duty during the night.


Night-time enforcement and monitoring during carnival

A street trading enforcement team works each night of the Carnival. The Enforcement officer gives a briefing on Sunday and Monday mornings of any findings or incidents that took place over night.

They have two responsibilities:

  • illegal street trading
  • moitoring of sound systems


Illegal trading and sound systems

The entire Carnival area is patrolled for any sign of vehicles trading. All traders must be licensed and trading legally.

Enforcement teams will be assisted by Parks Constables


If you need more information

Contact our office at:

Carnival Office (Council offices)
Pembroke Road Annexe
37 Pembroke Road,
W8 6PW


Last updated: 19 May 2020